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Revision as of 09:04, 24 August 2006 by Rfs (talk | contribs) (→‎))
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Hello from Mr Block


To do:

  1. pay bills
  2. hours and payroll
  3. Merchant Services Options
  4. record recycling bills of lading
    • calbag (where is the rest of the info?)
    • waste connections
  5. Budget stuff:
    1. Determine all committee related categories, reorganize as necessary
      • Reorganize equipment and expenses by standing committees
    2. Recode transactions in the books from Jan 1 on to reflect new categories.
  6. monthlies for July (how are we doing? esp payroll)
  7. Bulk sales form (for buyers to take to the store)
    • gizmo id
    • category: Printer, System, Monitor, Other (anything else?)
    • description
    • amount to pay
  8. alter FGdb to output wiki-ish staff schedule





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