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ASS is an acronym representing "Administrators of Systems and Security".

The ASSes are the oldest working group at Free Geek. They are the people who design and manage the network at Free Geek, and are responsible for developing our IT security policy. They have an email list.

You'd think this would mean we'd have a better wiki section =:)


(ASSes, please list yourselves here):

Vancouver, BC, Canada ASSes:

ASS Priorities

Here is a list of what ASSes should prioritize when making decisions.

  • Communicate effectively with your users. Communicate with other ASSes about what you're doing.
  • Maintain effective security; stop people from doing things that they shouldn't be doing.
  • Maintain data integrity for our users and our systems.
  • Do not violate or let be violated the privacy of your users.
  • Keep all your services in working order (e.g. research a new version before upgrading to it)
  • Minimize and mitigate any downtime that happens or is necessary to have.
  • Be efficient, paying attention to requests of more importance before minor issues.
  • Uphold our local organizational policies as well as the accepted laws related to your work.
  • Do not abuse Free Geek's resources, and help to prevent others from doing the same (excessive network traffic, excessive printing).
  • Try not to be annoying; people will complain much soon if something bothers them than if something is just broken.
  • Do what it takes to understand the implications of your actions before taking them, so that you can knowingly apply these priorities.

Ongoing Tasks



To integrate our account management and make it possible to change email passwords.

So far we have
  • the ldap server itself is built, with ldap and sldap installed
  • we did a test run for authenticating a user on a remote machine which "worked"
What we need
  • to better define how we will use ldap
  • to create better schema for our purposes
  • possibly put the ldap server into the dmz, if we want to authenticate mail with it.
  • review and update the security on the server (passwords, webmin, &c.)

More fun

Some folks at Free Geek or in our extended community are CA Cert Assurers. See the page.

What services do we provide