How to get a key
- Staff amended this to cover paid interns on March 28, 2008
Core volunteers that need an external key can ask to be granted a key by the staff collective by sending a message to and indicating what they need the key for. The collective will discuss the matter at the next possible staff meeting. Paid interns are granted keys as needed subject to review by the staff collective. If a keyholder loses a key, they must reapply to the staff collective.
For further information on who gets keys and how check out the After Hours Access Policy.
All members of the staff collective have keys to both the external (E) and internal (I) doors in the building. Additionally, paid interns and core volunteers also have these keys as needed.
Some people who used to be keyholders no longer need them. Also, we were unable to adequately review all the previous keyholders. Anyone not on the list who wants a key should send a message requesting one to staff the (see above).
Lists of keyholders
E keys
NOTE: "E" indicates a key for the external after hours access door (near the meeting room) italic names = allotted but not handed out
E and F keyholders need to read and understand the After Hours Access Procedure.
- (#1E)
Elizabeth Wells-Thulin(need to switch to 4E) - (#2E) Jake Taasevigen
- (#3E) Kathie Hitchcock
- (#4E) Elizabeth Wells-Thulin
- (#5E)
- (#6E)
- (#7E)
- (#8E) Michael Westwind
- (#9E) Goutham Chandra
- (#10E) Leah Birnbaum
- (#11E)
- (#12E) Francisco Marquez
- (#13E) Kenny McElroy
- (#14E) Ryan Niebur
- (#15E) Vagrant Cascadian
- (#16E) Ian Young
- (#17E) Cliff Fortune
- (#18E) Anne Butterfield
- (#19E) Gabrielle Roth
- (#20E) Sophia Luchini-Dexter
- (#21E)
- (#22E) Santiago Carmona
- (#23E) Clout Tolstoy
- (#24E) Andrew Watanatraibhob
- (#25E) John Jordan (linux clinic -- was shared with Keith Lofstrom)
- (#26E) Keith Lofstrom (linux clinic -- was 25)
- (#27E) Renee Harger
- (#28E) Dan Johnson (groups)
- (#29E)
- (#30E)
- (#31E) Elizabeth Swager
- (#32E) Dirk Morgan
- (#33E)
Non-existent keys (in new system. These old keys don't work and haven't been replaced with new working ones yet. Remove the key and person here when a new key is issued or we decide to not give them a key.
- (#37E)
Martin Chase
F keys
(NOTE: "F" indicates an external key.) italic names = allotted but not handed out
- (#1F) Darryl Kan
- (#2F) Ali Briggs
- (#3F) Caitlin Collings
- (#4F) Meredith Blankinship
- (#5F) Liane Kocka
- (#6F) Dave Haskins
- (#7F) Richard Seymour
- (#8F)
- (#9F)
- (#10F) Sergio Garcia
- (#11F) Tony Chiotti
- (#12F) Jim Conley (landlord rep)
- (#13F) Luiz Sudbrack
- (#14F) Laurel Bates
- (#15F) Valerie Madsen
I keys
(NOTE: "I" indicates an internal key.)
- (#01I) Elizabeth Wells-Thulin
- (#02I) Darryl Kan
- (#03I) Kathie Hitchcok
- (#04I) Leah Birnbaum
- (#05I) Liane Kocka
- (#06I) Dave Haskins
- (#07I) Richard Seymour
- (#08I) Michael Westwind
- (#09I) Laurel Bates
- (#10I) Sergio Garcia
- (#11I) Luiz Sudbrack
- (#12I) Sophia Luchini-Dexter
- (#13I) Tony Chiotti
- (#14I) Ryan Niebur
- (#15I) Vagrant Cascadian
- (#16I) Ian Young
- (#17I) Andrew Watanatraibhob
- (#18I) Ali Briggs
- (#19I) Francisco Marquez
- (#20I) Caitlin Collings
- (#21I) Elizabeth Swager
- (#22I) Cliff Fortune
- (#23I) Goutham Chandra
- (#24I) Jake Taasevigen
- (#25I) Valerie Madsen
- (#26I) in safe
- (#27I) Renee Harger
- (#28I) Meredith Blankinship
- (#29I) Annie Butterfield
- (#30I) Jeff Robinson
- (#31I) in safe
- (#32I) in safe
T keys
This is the T key to the TARDIS and other areas that contain "shiny" objects. Keys are issued at the discretion of the Production Committee and are provided to instructors in Build/Laptop/Macbuild and to point people in Advanced Testing.
- (T#1)
- (T#2) Camille Huffman
- (T#3)
- (T#4)
- (T#5) Dennis Jones
- (T#6) Blaine Deatherage-Newsom
- (T#7) Santiago Carmona
- (T#8) Steve Van Dusen
- (T#9) Nate Lee
- (T#10) Kurt Krueger
- (T#11)
- (T#12)
- (T#13)
- (T#14) Roy Marshall
- (T#15)
- (T#16) John Franko
- (T#17)
- (T#18) Charlie MacCarthy
- (T#19) George Clay
- (T#20) Alan Martin
- (T#21)
- (T#22)
- (T#23) Dirk Morgan
Tech Support (S)
- (S#1) In Tech Support
- (S#2) in safe
- (S#3) in safe
Personnel File Cabinet
- (P#1)
- (P#2)
- (P#3)
- (P#4)
- (P#5)
- (P#6)
- (P#7)
- (P#8)
Staff Safe (S)
(the safe is where we keep things safe)
- (#1S) Darryl
- (#2S) Liane
- (#3S) Richard
- (#4S) Laurel 2.0
- (#5S) Luiz
- (#6S) Dave
- (#7S) in safe
- (#8S) Michael
- (#9S) Tony
- (#10S) Valerie
- (#11S) Serge
- (#12S) Meredith
- (#13S) Ali
- (#14S) Caitlin
- (#15S) in safe
- (#16S) in safe
Truck Keys
The GMC box Truck has "Sets of Keys". There are 3 keys in each set. One for driving and doors, one for lock, and one for the gastank.
- Master copy unnumbered dont give out
- (1) Jeff R. <-- ?
- (2) Sergio G.
- (4) Liane K.
- (5) Dave H.
C Keys
(the "C" key is for the secure Supply Cabinet in the store's back room)
- (#C1) Tony
- (#C2) all twisted up in safe
- (#C3) Ali
- (#C4) Leah
- (#C5) in safe
- (#C6) Ian
- (#C7) in safe
- (#C8) Store - Luiz
- (#C9) Michael
- (#C10) Liane
- (#C11) Francisco
- (#C12) Luiz Sudbrack
- (#C13) in safe
- (#C14) Kathie
- (#C15) Tony
Staff filing cabinet keyholders
(The staff filing cabinet is in the monkey house. At least some of these keys have no number on them.) This lock and these keys will be decommissioned once the new file cabinet is set up and personnel files have been transfered.
(#(null)) in safe- (#1) (brass) Liane
- (#1) (made in Taiwan) Richard
- (#2) in safe
- (#3) Martin
- (#4) Valerie
- (#5) Rick
- (#6) Ali
- (#7) in safe
- (#8) Dave
- (#9) Steve
- (#10) Michael
- (#13) Nathan
- ( ?) Kathie
( ?) Laurel
Re-keying the locks
- If you're re-keying the locks, check this page to estimate how many new keys will be needed. Remember to take into account non Free Geekers with keys (artists subletting from us, etc.)
- It is customary for the staff collective to reevaluate who still needs keys. This will affect the number of keys needed.
- Other key requests will undoubtedly be made, so having a few extra keys made is good. (They should be kept in the safe.)
- The keys should be numbered so they can be kept track of. The locksmith can do this. Our current locksmith (Atlasta Lock and Key) does this for no charge.
- Before the locks are re-keyed it is very important that all keyholders be notified so that folks who need access are not locked out. This is especially important for keyholders who are not on staff, as they are most likely to be forgotten.
Be sure to review the List of locks.