Thrift Store

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This is a one-sheet for the most useful on-the-floor store stuff:

Store Prices

A general listing of basic prices for the store, to be read with consideration regarding the fact that as market prices change so will ours.

Dead trees

Where you can find most of the stuff that we need to print. If it's not there, check Drop Box.

When Disaster Strikes!

Credit Card Machine FAIL

If something is wrong with the credit card machine, try the information packet underneath it or this page: Credit card machines. If necessary, get someone to show you how to use the Kerchunker, the manual CC machine that goes Ker-chunk!!!. It's between the tills in the bottom drawer.

Database FAIL

If the database is down write down mock database entries, complete with number of gizmos, payment method and amounts for each till. Otherwise process normally. Better documentation available soon at POS FAIL

Discount Policy

In case you need to spell it out: Free Geek offers a twenty percent (20%) discount on all purchases made in the Free Geek Thrift Store to current, paid workers and to volunteers who have logged at least three hours in the past thirty (30) days.

Volunteer hours must have been logged in the database at the time of the purchase. Discounts cannot be combined or applied retroactively.