Install flashplayer

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10.04 and Higher

First try theses steps Multimedia_and_DVDs_in_Ubuntu. This should work on all 10.04 and higher boxes.

You can also verify your Shockwave install here and your Flash install here and here.

Install Flash on Its Own - Use Adobe's apt Installer

Install the apt from Adobe. Select Linux 32 bit as your OS and then "Flash Player For Ubuntu 11 (apt)". Follow the prompts.

Install Flash from Terminal

The current version of Adobe Flash can be installed from the Terminal.

  • For Ubuntu version 10.04
sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer


If Hulu Reports: "Express Install Not Supported"

To fix this you need to completely purge the old Flash 9 installation

  1. At the command line, enter sudo apt-get remove --purge flashplugin-nonfree
    1. That will completely remove Flash 9 from the buffer.
  2. Follow the instructions above to install Flash 10.
  3. To make sure Flash 10 is installed, goto about:plugins in the Firefox address bar, and make sure "Shockwave Flash" is at version 10.0 r42

If Firefox still uses flash 9 after installing flash 10 or if flash breaks after removing 9

sudo update-alternatives --auto firefox-flashplugin ;
sudo update-alternatives --auto mozilla-flashplugin ;
sudo update-alternatives --auto iceweasel-flashplugin ;
sudo update-alternatives --auto midbrowser-flashplugin ;
sudo update-alternatives --auto xulrunner-addons-flashplugin ;
sudo update-alternatives --auto xulrunner-flashplugin