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To make MacLand successful the area needs:

  • Organized parts storage
  • Clear guidelines about what to do with incoming systems
  • Sufficient storage for incoming hardware
  • Build and QC checklists
  • Storage for InProgress systems

System handling:

  1. HDD wipe/swap.
  2. Bring to MacBuild
  3. Check for POST
  4. Install imaged HDD
  5. Set system up for Rember
  6. OSX testing
  7. Xubuntu testing
  8. Printme & prep for sale


  • Whether a HDD has been wiped or swapped should be noted on the label
  • Incoming iMacs go on shelf, Towers & Laptops go in closet
  • Staff or Volunteers can do the initial POST
  • For wiped, not swapped HDDs, install OS over the network
  • Make sure systems have enough RAM before Rember
  • Rember could be done at shift-end so system will be ready for the following day
  • New volunteers should start with OSX testing
  • Xubuntu testing requires more supervision/more advanced volunteers
  • Remember to check systems for Free Geek stickers, System ID #s, and cleanliness

Mac issues

Mute Toggling

Mute hotkey turns sound off (notification and indicator both indicate sound OFF) but Mute hotkey will NOT turn sound back on when pushed again (notification says sound is ON but indicator continues to show mute, and no sounds work).

Fix Navigate: Menu>>Settings>>Settings Editor Scroll to: xfce4-mixer Edit active-card Change string value to: "PlaybackBuiltinAudioAnalogStereoPulseAudioMixer" Add new string, name string /sound-card

Change string value to: "PlaybackBuiltinAudioAnalogStereoPulseAudioMixer"

Close window and check mute. Should work w/o trouble
See Comment #28

MacBuild Training

  • iBook HDD retrieval
  • CRT disassembly
  • All-in-one LCD (iMac)
  • MacMini
  • OSX & Linux Triages

We need a clear Outline for Evaluating Mac computers and training volunteers to work in the area. The first thing we need is an idea of what we expect Volunteers to get out of working in this area and what we expect to get out of the Volunteers working in the area. Do we want them to be able to build their own Macs? Work in the OSx environment? Apply Linux to Mac computers? Do we want to increase the output of working Macs using Linux operating systems? Do we just want to keep up with recycling? Do we want to explore vintage Macs (Sales and museum pieces)?

Maybe we could have several shifts a week, each with a particular focus and the volunteers can be trained for a particular shift. Ex: Vintage Mac, Intel Mac, PPC Mac, Triage (or Recycling).

IDEA: What if we let Adoption Volunteers do a shift in Macs to do Recycling projects? They could be seated tasks, supervised by staff, and the whole focus of the shift could be to tear down systems. We could call it advanced Reycling?

eMac 1.25 disassembly guide don't remember where I found this one.

Mac Hardware Spreadsheet as of: 12/15/2012 includes lots of HDD removal links.

Mac Hardware Database as of: 12/19/2012 Macintosh Hardware table can be sorted using the Query function. Open with LibreOffice Base

Variable Volunteer Orientation: Multi-entry orientation that allows volunteers to start training at one of many starting points. Depending on what we have in stock, we can get new volunteers started without overwhelming them or taking too much staff time getting them settled.

We need to document the regular day-to-day things that our long-time volunteers do without thinking about it. (What basic how-tos will be lost if/when they leave?)

Handy links:

-Cable Sorting

-Thrift Store

-See Store Docs for Old Cable Chart images

For future reference: