Tech Support Howto

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Revision as of 11:59, 20 October 2005 by MichaelWestwind (talk | contribs) (common problems)
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  • Get the person's name and adopter number if possible.
  • Get a call-back number.
  • Troubleshoot
  • Fix the problem?
  • Record everything in RT

Tech Support Questions

Common Problems

  • Lost Root Password - This is one of the commonest problems, usually coming up when the adopter wants to add software. Get them to bring the box in. If they really can't, try walking them through GRUB method.
  • Dialup doesn't work - Make sure of the basics, password, cabling. Get the error message. See Modem configuration and Dialup configuration. Try init strings. For hardware modems, try AT&F1. Install gnome-ppp if it is not already on the box.
  • Adding programs - Steer freekbox 3 users to Synaptic, freekbox 2 users to apt-get. Remember we do not promise functionality of added programs.
  • configure printer - you can also use the kprinter interface to install printers if you are more comfortable with that. Do not promise functionality. We cannot guarantee the printer.
  • Broadband problems - check out Freekbox ethernet configuration. remember cabling basics. look for link lights. if dhcp is properly configured and the box is getting an IP, refer them to the broadband provider. If you can make a good guess as to the modem's IP (use route to find gateway), try putting that in the browser.