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Using the Meeting template

  • Add a link to the meeting that you are planning.
  • Edit that page and enter the following text into it and then save it to create an empty framework.
  • Edit the generated page

The Template Output

Minutes Checker:
Last meeting:


Copy these from the prior meeting's minutes. Owner of each commitment should report on status: Done, In Progress, Carryover, Hand Off, or Drop. For items not completed, see
  • Name - commitment - status (discussion points if necessary)
  • Name - commitment - status (discussion points if necessary)


Reports from other working groups.



  • Link to relevint conversation.
    (Summarize Presentation)
  • List Clarifing Questions
    • Question - Answer
  • List Concerns
    • Concern - Questions Which Clarify the Concern
  • Proposal:
    (final proposal)
    • Decision adopted (with Unresolved Concerns Listed - AKA Stand Asides) | Send to Committee (if creating a new committee list intrested people)


New commitments, and Carry-Overs copied from above.
  • Name - commitment - status (discussion points if necessary)
  • Name - commitment - status (discussion points if necessary)

Next Meeting

  • Facilitator:
  • Scribe:
  • Minutes Checker:
  • Reporters to other meetings?
  • Date and time:
  • Place:
  • List of unfinished business for the next meeting:

Cheat Sheet for Running the Meeting

Things that come up during the course of the meeting, to keep in mind. Have a look at Meeting Tips for more indepth help

  • Proposals and decision process:
    • Ask: Are there any clarifying questions?
    • Ask: Do we seem to have agreement?
    • Ask: Are there any remaining concerns?
    • Ask: Anyone blocking this?
    • Are we sending this to a committee? (Or other group for further action?)
    • If it's a go-ahead note what steps we need for implementation (and who is going to do them).
  • Future Committments: Have the scribe record:
    • Carryovers from above
    • Committments made during this meeting
  • Before moving on to the next topic:
    • It is often useful to have the scribe read back the decision or summarize the sense of the discussion so far.
    • This confirms that we all agree about what was decided or at least where the conversation is at this point, and it prevents us from needing to rehash things the next time the subject comes up.