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Revision as of 13:33, 4 August 2006 by Rfs (talk | contribs) (→‎))
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Hello from Mr Block


To do:

  1. close old accounts
  2. record recycling bills of lading for June/July
    • schnitzer
    • waste connections
    • calbag
    • others?
  3. Budget stuff:
    1. Determine all committee related categories, reorganize as necessary
      • Reorganize equipment and expenses by standing committees
    2. Recode transactions in the books from Jan 1 on to reflect new categories.
  4. monthlies for July (how are we doing? esp payroll)
  5. New signatures on file at Paychex
  6. Bulk sales form (for buyers to take to the store)
    • gizmo id
    • category: Printer, System, Monitor, Other (anything else?)
    • description
    • amount to pay
  7. alter FGdb to output wiki-ish staff schedule
  8. pay bills





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