Multimedia and DVDs in Ubuntu

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Since downloading some of the following libraries may violate some Digital Millenium Copyright laws, this wiki page is for educational purposes only. Anyone who follows these directions for their computer does so at their own risk.

Hardy Heron (Ubuntu 8.04)

In order to make Multimedia and DVDs work in Ubuntu, you need to add some additional software. This software is not installed by default because of licensing and legal issues.

  • Make sure you are connected to the internet
  • In System>Administration>Software sources, put a check next to the multiverse line
  • Enable the medibuntu sources by copying and pasting the following line into a terminal window.
   sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list

and then the following line:

   wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-get update
  • Install the following packages, either from synaptic or from the command line (below):
    • libdvdcss2
    • ubuntu-restricted-extras
    • vlc (optional)
   sudo apt-get install libdvdcss2 vlc ubuntu-restricted-extras

This procedure adds a second media player (vlc) which will appear in Applications>Sound and Video as well as flash, java, quicktime and some other media helpers and plugins. The install will ask you to agree to the java license as well as clicking or entering ok on a couple of informational screens. The installation may appear to stall part way through. Be patient.