Hardware Testing Instructor Responsibilities

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Revision as of 18:02, 7 January 2010 by Elizabeth (talk | contribs) (added oversight checklist)
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Advanced Testing Tasks

  • Power Supply Sorting
  • Hard Drive Testing
  • External Hard Drive Enclosure Testing
  • Optical Drive Testing
  • External Optical Drive Testing
  • RAM Testing
  • Motherboard Testing
  • Processors
  • Video Card Testing
  • Network Testing
  • Wireless Keyboard & Mice
  • Cell Phones
  • Bluetooth Headset Testing
  • Wireless Cards - PCI and laptop PC Bus
  • Empty Recycling Bins

Oversight Checklist

Beginning of Shift

Hard Drives - swap tested drives, load drives to be wiped. Memory Power Supply Sorting Prioritize tasks based on current stock, store and build needs. Direct volunteers to prioritized tasks.

End of Shift

Ask volunteers to clean up their areas.

End of Day

Lock up all hard drives, testing equipment. Set up drives to test over night, but not on the weekend. Turning off all unused computers and LCD monitors.

Volunteer Inventory

  • Don't forget to say hello to everyone and introduce yourself to new folks.
  • Which volunteers are present during your shift? What are their strengths and weaknesses? Do they want to learn something new?
  • Appropriately engage each volunteer in an appropriate task, trying to get all tasks covered.
  • Thank volunteers for their work as they leave.
  • If volunteer involvement is low in your shift, ask a build instructor to refer or direct appropriate volunteers to your area.

Hard Drive Testing

  • Pull and label all tested hard drives. Recycle the failed ones.
  • Stock all the machines.
  • Repair failed machines as necessary.
  • REPORT PROBLEMS WITH MACHINES WHEN THEY HAPPEN (either to those with the know-how to fix 'em or on the AT mailing list)

Sort Incoming Network Stuff

  • Match up wall warts with incoming network gizmos.
  • Sort incoming wall warts.
  • If a particular sorted wall wart container is overflowing, cull the off-brand wall warts (use your judgment).

Task Status

  • Is a particular, overflowing task not being covered by a volunteer?

Hard Drive Testing is SUPER IMPORTANT. Your goal is to keep TARDIS as free of unwiped hard drives as you can.