Talk:Board Election Checklist

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Revision as of 17:33, 6 May 2011 by Kathey (talk | contribs) (continuing to transcribe proposed Town Hall Meeting agenda)
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Bilaws changes, FG Council transition and new board of directors

Town Hall Agendas (September(?) 2011 example)

Notes from committee meeting with about process, structure and content of the new Annual Town Hall Meetings. --kathey 17:52, 6 May 2011 (UTC)

time 0 convening the meeting facilitator introduce the agenda and groundrules, including brevity and "voice only" roles focusing room attention
x min annual reports: FG finance, FG mission-driven service, operations (staff news, building changes, large capital purchases etc) Board directors, and/or presenters chosen by the board oral reports, maximum of 3 slides per report. e
x min generating topic suggestions all with voice post-it notes "votes" for topics handed to facilitation staff, or put on hanging paper sheets cluster similar topic-suggestions as talking points for open discussion
x min break & collating discussion topics facilitation staff don't get a break! organizing topic suggestions cluster similar topic-suggestions into groups for open discussion after break
x min open discussion all with "voice" board directors and staff in a core circle "fishbowl" with concentric circles of chairs outside topics addressed by the core from a "big picture" perspective, with comments and questions from all
x min nominee introductions nominees presentation e
x min lunch c d e
x min after-lunch milling around c d the feel of a cocktail party with relaxed, but serious discussion sans alcohol
x min reconvene the plenum c d e
x min small group discussion c d e
x min report-backs c d e
x min short break c d e
x min closing c d e
4 hours since start opening ballot box c cutting ribbon e