Volunteer Intern Contract

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Free Geek Intern Contract

Welcome to Free Geek!

We'd love to see you down here volunteering, but please consider the following points:

  • Please be accountable: if you can't come in for a shift, please call your intern coordinator and send an email to volunteer@freegeek.org, to let us know before your shift is scheduled to start. If you plan to be absent for more than one day in a row, please let us know well ahead of time.
  • Please, when you come here the first time, bring your paperwork, including copies of any assessments your intern coordinator needs to fill out. At the top of each assessment sheet, please write the date that your advisor needs it by. Also, remind us about a week before your advisor needs our assessment of you. We manage a lot of interns here, and sometimes the dates that reviews and assessments are due becomes a swimming mess of numbers to us. In other words: please proceed proactively with your paperwork, time sheets, and evaluations.
  • Please speak often (at least once every week) with your supervisor about how things are going in your area and collaborate on ideas and solutions.
  • Record your hours at the front desk at the end of each shift. This record can become your official time sheet for your school or program.
  • Communicate your needs. If you need extra help or this turns out not to be the right place for you, talk to your supervisor or Laurel. We can renegotiate your internship if necessary.
  • Of course, theft, assault, and harassment aren't allowed at Free Geek.

Consequences of not fulfilling the terms of this contract:

If a problem arises, a Free Geek staff person will talk to the intern. If problems persist, we reserve the right to terminate internships.

If any of the above sounds funny or wrong to you, or if you feel that you cannot fulfill the points listed above, please talk to a Free Geek staff member.

I have read, understood, and agree to the above.


Name / Date