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Google Calendars

Recycling Volunteer Intern Schedules - obsolete

Recycling Paid Workers

Recycling Groups - obsolete


Depts at FG

union contract


job stuff

New section werk in warehouse at free geek

job desc Warehouse_Coordinator

"Standard Weekly hours" = 38.0 - as of 2011-09-06

  • TUE...09:30 - 14:00 - Recycling
  • ......... 15:00 - 18:00 - Adv Test.....= 7.50
  • ......... 18:00 - 18:25 - Admin.........= 7.75
  • WED...08:15 - 12:00 - Recycling
  • ......... 12:30 - 15:00 - Recycling
  • ......... 15:00 - 16:30 - Admin.........= 7.75...15.50
  • THU...09:30 - 14:15 - Recycling
  • ......... 15:00 - 18:00 - Adv Test.....= 7.75
  • ......... 18:00 - 18:25 - Admin.........= 8.00...23.50
  • FRI...08:15 - 14:15 - Recycling.......= 6.00
  • ......... 14:15 - 14:30 - Admin.........= 6.25...29.75
  • SAT...09:30 - 13:00 - Recycling
  • ......... 14:00 - 18:30 - Recycling....= 8.00
  • ......... 18:30 - 18:45 - Admin.........= 8.25...38.00


draw next warehouse config - software

Floor plan with zones

draw current AT - paper draw ultimate warehouse - ?


  1. who uses, when are they the right/wrong config?
    1. Receiving
    2. A/V
    3. Monitor Test
    4. Recycling
    5. Bulk Sales / Sales
    6. Laptops
    7. MacLand
    8. Truck


  1. what tools supplies does it need?
    1. hand-truck(s)
    2. folding cart(s)
    3. dolly(s)

puke & explode

  1. apples
    • green
        • yellow
        1. rancid
    1. phlegmy
    2. black
  2. oranges
  3. pickles
  4. mangoes
  5. papayas

ToDo - Recycling

toolkit labels to deadtrees

  1. recyc l & s & kbds & ?
  2. v. i. tasklist - update & to deadtrees
  3. opening/closing checklists

  1. handbook

  1. future CRT Test HowTo

ToDo - AdvTst

  1. redraw triage chart for optical drives
  2. comp/con scsi HDs - done

ToDo - Space Cadets

  1. check SouthDock access for truck & forklift
  2. Attic Inventory
  3. field trip(s) to future bldg site(s)

ToDo - Receiving

  1. queue up the donors - better service & fun for donors, vols, staff
  2. is the receiving task really tasks - receiving, sorting, delivering

ToDo - Hardware

ToDo - Software

  1. lern wiki editing
  2. lern werdpress
  3. lern gui for adopt clipboard - python? spredsheet?

ToDo - Misc

toolkit labels to deadtrees

  1. pbld v & i
  2. build v & i

Infra Disbursed Stickers for Inventory

ToDo - Wed Admin Time

  1. ToolCheck - Recycling, Printers, PreBuild, Adv Test, Build, MacLand, Laptops, Receiving
  2. SuppliesCheck - Recycling, Printers, Adv Test
    1. gloves, safety glasses, dustmasks, earplugs, aprons, packing tape, stretch-wrap
      1. inventory triggers
        1. safety glasses = 2 boxes
        2. dust masks = 1 box
        3. most tools = 1/2 box
        4. stretch wrap = 1(2?) rolls
        5. packing tape = 1/2 8-pack
        6. aprons = ?
        7. earplugs = 1/2 dozen?
        8. gloves = 1 package
        9. labels = 1 box
  3. Labels
    1. print a week's worth for Recycling, Adv Test