Volunteer Cashiers Policy

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Revision as of 12:01, 22 July 2006 by Rfs (talk | contribs)
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Policy wording

Volunteers need to be authorized by a staff meeting decision and trained by a current paid front desk staff person before taking money. Also they would be expected to add there name to the end of the day form.

This also applies to the Thrift Store.

Source of policy

This policy was proposed and agreed to at a Staff Meeting on | July 14, 2006.


Any volunteer who wants to handle money at the Front Desk or Thrift Store should:

  1. talk to a staff member working in that area
  2. ask that they be trained
  3. send a message to staff@freegeek.org asking for approval

The staff will take the issue up at a staff meeting and inform the volunteer of their decision.