Dead trees

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This page is an index for files that need to look a certain way when printed out.

There are a variety of applications that can produce these printouts. The current list is organized by file type. This needs to be re-organized later on.

ooffice (current):

(We will currently support opg and odt openoffice file formats)



html (switch formats):

We will not support the upload of HTML files. Switch the format to something else and we will upload that instead.

  • build-qc.html
  • buildstatus.html
  • burninbatch.html
  • faxcover.html
  • receiving-donationform.html
  • schedule-adoption.html
  • schedule-build.html
  • specs.html
  • support-ticket-tally.html


(We will currently support the gnumeric file formats with the extension of "gnumeric".)


(We will currently support the glabels file formats with the extension of "glabels".)

staroffice (broken and old):

(These need to be recreated as a or upgraded to a more recent openoffice format before upload. Links to old postscript version are included.)

  • summary_adoption_position.sxw [1]
  • summary_build_position.sxw [2]
  • support_ticket.sxw [3]
  • tablinginfo.sxw [4]