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Checklist of Tasks

Date: _________________
Volunteer Desk Pre-Opening Tasks Initials
I-9 form (MK) (all)
W-4 form (MK) (all)
Direct Deposit of paychecks (MK) (all)
Health Insurance explanation/meeting (Laurel) (C,M)
Set up Retirement Plan Meeting (Laurel) (C)
Staff Handbook (Liane) (all)
Staff Vacation Policies/Change in Schedule (Liane) (C,M)
Arriving Late and Cancellations/Calling in Sick (Liane) (all)
Signing Checks, Contracts, Invoices (Liane) (all)
Explain that this position is at-will employment and that he/she is subject to reviews (Ali) (all)
Conflict of Interest Form (Conflict of Interest Policy) (MK) (ALL)
Emergency Info Request Form (MK) (ALL)

Volunteer Desk During the Day Tasks Initials
I-9 form (MK) (all)
W-4 form (MK) (all)
Direct Deposit of paychecks (MK) (all)
Health Insurance explanation/meeting (Laurel) (C,M)
Set up Retirement Plan Meeting (Laurel) (C)
Staff Handbook (Liane) (all)
Staff Vacation Policies/Change in Schedule (Liane) (C,M)
Arriving Late and Cancellations/Calling in Sick (Liane) (all)
Signing Checks, Contracts, Invoices (Liane) (all)
Explain that this position is at-will employment and that he/she is subject to reviews (Ali) (all)
Conflict of Interest Form (Conflict of Interest Policy) (MK) (ALL)
Emergency Info Request Form (MK) (ALL)
Volunteer Desk Closing Tasks Initials
I-9 form (MK) (all)
W-4 form (MK) (all)
Direct Deposit of paychecks (MK) (all)
Health Insurance explanation/meeting (Laurel) (C,M)
Set up Retirement Plan Meeting (Laurel) (C)
Staff Handbook (Liane) (all)
Staff Vacation Policies/Change in Schedule (Liane) (C,M)
Arriving Late and Cancellations/Calling in Sick (Liane) (all)
Signing Checks, Contracts, Invoices (Liane) (all)
Explain that this position is at-will employment and that he/she is subject to reviews (Ali) (all)
Conflict of Interest Form (Conflict of Interest Policy) (MK) (ALL)
Emergency Info Request Form (MK) (ALL)

Donor Desk Pre-Opening Tasks Initials
Print out daily checklist (1)
Brew coffee (2)
Stock coffeehouse with creamer, sugar, stir sticks (1)
Acquire and count cash drawer (2)
Prep desk, turn on computers (1)
stock TP & paper towels in all 4 bathrooms (1)

Donor Desk During the Day Tasks Initials
clean and tidy desk and lobby (1)
stock coffee area with sugar and creamer if needed (1)
print & restock brochures, contribution slips, other recyclers, etc.(2)
read email! respond when you have addressed the issue (2)
stock bathrooms with TP, soap, paper towels (2)
stock kitchens with dish soap (2)
check and print if needed: donor slips, credit card receipts, IOU reimbursement forms, mileage reimbursement form, other recyclers, donor FAQ brochure (2)
check receiving donor slips, print more if needed (2)
check and fill printers (2)
Donor Desk Closing Tasks Initials
erase all contribution slips and return to receiving (1)
recycle notes (1)
put pens, pencils, scissors, etc., back where they belong (1)
turn off all computers (1)
help process volunteers until 7pm (2,3)
count till after 7pm (3)