PR Tasks

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Revision as of 16:25, 9 June 2010 by Ali (talk | contribs) (Luiz roles updated)
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In the 6/5/10 PR Meeting we decided to split up the basket of tasks and each PR member would take a kind of facilitator/jockey role.

Email Jockey

  • contact:

Tabling Events Coordinator

  • contact: Laurel

Press Release Wrangler

  • contact: Luiz
Responsible for overseeing the writing of press releases
Responsible for identifying possible subjects (not exclusively)


  • contact: Ali

RBAF Liason

  • contact: Luiz
Be available to answer questions about staff structure, policy, and organization history as it pertains to PR and relationship building.
Attend RBAF meetings, as needed

Website Working Group

  • contact: Tony

Swag Coordinator

  • contact: Laurel

Social Marketing

  • contact: Ali


  • ad hoc basis