Tech Support Work Flow

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Assuming you are not behind

  • Open RT and Database
  • Take messages, call people back. Only call people back one time. If they do not have voicemail or their phone is shut off, they have to call back
  • Review the Open queue for anything that might need attention.
  • Fix computers!
    • Walk -in Store evaluations first (determining that a systems is actually broken and that it has all of its parts)
    • Systems that have been in the Tech Support Ticket queue the longest are next. Always deal with tickets in chronological order in the ticket queue.
  • Help walk-ins. Make sure that they know if the problem can not be figured out in 10 minutes or so, they'll have to leave the computers.
  • Lastly, deal with "internal" boxes (because there is no person waiting on them)

Bunker Mode (You are behind)

  • The order of priority:
    • Store evalutations (person usually waiting and already annoyed)
    • Oldest systems to fix
    • Other systems to fix
    • Walk-ins
    • Messages
    • Answering the phone