Board Chair

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The chair of the board will enable continuity and efficiency in the board's operation. These tasks may be delegated, but it is the chair's responsibility to make sure that they are completed. This role is in the bylaws; the chair should be familiar with the description therein and other legal responsibilities described in the Oregon Nonprofit Corporation Act.

  • Ensure board meeting facilitation. The chair does not have to facilitate the meetings, but must make sure that meetings are facilitated appropriately. This may involve facilitation, cofacilitation, training other board members in facilitation, recruiting volunteer facilitators, or even bringing in outside skilled facilitators for potentially difficult discussions.
  • Ensure preparedness for meetings. Make sure that materials for meetings are available ahead of time, there are people prepared to present for each item.
  • Agenda calendar planning. The chair will make sure that the board's meetings are planned ahead of time, creating and maintaining a calendar (approved by the board) that includes all necessary reports and policy reviews.
  • Make sure that important issues are not dropped. This may entail keeping a record of items deferred to later meetings or scheduled checkins.
  • Ensure board follows its own rules.
  • Occasionally represent the organization to the outside.
  • Oversee and manage board training. Help board members find necessary information, arrange for training, etc.

About this document

This document was developed by the Board recruitment committee pursuant to board instructions, April 2011 and the approved 2011 governance proposal. It was approved by the board on May 18].