All Staff Meetings

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All Staff Meeting (BRAWLS - Bipartisan Regular All Worker League Society) Agenda and Dates - Monthly 2 hour meetings

General flow of BRAWLS:

  • Approval of prior minutes
  • Randomly select next Facilitator/Scribe
  • Report outs (no more than 5 minutes/area):
    • Board Liaison update (Paul and Vagrant)
    • Bargaining Unit update (BU rep)
    • Collective update (Collective rep)
    • Area check-ins (as needed; by prior arrangement)
  • Old business
  • New business
  • Unstructured/topic-oriented conversation (30 minutes)

April 12, 2012 - 5:00-7:00pm

5:00 - 5:15

  • Break, settle in


  • Prepare for next meeting
    • Announce Randomly selected next Facilitator/Scribe
    • Explain upcoming email about meeting scheduling
    • Explain how to get items on the agenda


  • Report outs (no more than 5 minutes/area):
    • Board Liaison update (Paul and Vagrant)
    • Bargaining Unit update (Lynnae- BU Rep)
    • Collective update (Collective rep - Amelia)
    • Sales Report by Brian


  • New business
    • Recent policy changes - Mark (20 min
    • Update on NPA program - Darren (10 min)
    • Moving forward with strategic planning (15 min)
      • Survey results, Amelia and eBeth


  • Unstructured conversation (30 minutes)
    • Question by Stephen about policy on sending volunteers home when too sick to be here
    • Discussing volunteer fifedoms

Next Inservice Meeting Topics

Gizmo Flow and the Thrift Store, presented by the Thrift Store