Main Page

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Welcome to the Free Geek Wiki!

The meeting to decide on the One True Wiki has happened, and Mediawiki has been chosen, pending successful implementation of the customization we need to do for Free Geek. At some near future point the URL for this wiki will be

Why a wiki?

Why Mediawiki?

How to use it

Please login. This will give you a username and a page of your own on which to brag, preach, lament or act mysterious. It also gives you access to a watchlist to keep track of pages you are interested in and allows you to choose how you want pages displayed.

Some pages to look at:

  • Recent changes shows the most recent edits.
  • Practice editing should happen on the Sandbox.
  • "My watchlist" is a way of keeping track of changes on particular pages.
  • Each page has a corresponding discussion page. Use this page to discuss major changes, questions, etc...

Free Geek links

These links are for introductory pages for each of the primary areas of Free Geek. Please add to this list if something is missing.

Wiki links

External Links

Please see documentation on customizing the interface and the User's Guide for usage and configuration help.