Burgerville fundraiser

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From Sarah's email:

We made $301.36 during the three-hour event (5-8 pm on a Tuesday in June 2012), which was 10% of their income plus some extra from a donations jar. For most of the event, we had one staff person and 2-3 volunteers, which was plenty for interacting with customers, running food, and tabling. At our table, we had two demo laptops (for playing around in Ubuntu and some free games), a laptop with photo slideshow, music, and the usual flyers/stickers/etc. Our advertising involved posters/flyers at Free Geek and at Burgerville and emails to the big email lists. There was good turnout of staff and volunteers, which made it a fun community event. We also talked with lots of folks who hadn't heard about Free Geek but were interested in what we do.

My main contact was Sam Hediger, an assistant manager -samh (at) burgerville (dot) com. He'd be happy to help coordinate future fundraisers if we'd like.