Distro CD Builds
building Freekbox3 Install CDs with simple-cdd.
these instructions assume a current, working debian sarge system.
getting simple-cdd with packages:
stick a line in your /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb http://debian-np.alioth.debian.org/debian unstable main
and then:
apt-get update apt-get install simple-cdd
this will likely pull in debpartial-mirror in addition to simple-cdd, as well as a few other programs if you don't already have them installed. (once simple-cdd is installed, you may then comment out the debian-np line in your /etc/apt/sources.list)
create your working copy:
cp -a /usr/share/simple-cdd/ ~/my-custom-cdd
getting simple-cdd with subversion:
install subversion:
apt-get install subversion
create your working copy from the development version:
svn co svn://svn.debian.org/svn/debian-np/people/vagrant/simple-cdd ~/my-custom-cdd
making a CD image:
cd ~/my-custom-cdd ./build-simple-cdd --profiles freekbox3
(note: you may need to download the freekbox3 packages, and modify local_packages to find them in ~/my-custom-cdd/profiles/freekbox3.conf)
this will download the packages for a freekbox3 (defined in ~/my-custom-cdd/profiles/freekbox3.*), other components required for a debian-installer CD, and finally create the CD image in ~/my-custom-cdd/images/ directory with debian-cd.
Multi-Profile CD image:
with older versions of simple-cdd (0.2.0 and older):
./build-simple-cdd --profiles freekbox3,fg-baseserver
with newer versions of simple-cdd (0.2.1 and greater), it is possible to use "build-profiles"
./build-simple-cdd --build-profiles freekbox3-multi
the freekbox3-multi build-profile is a multi-profile installer CD that can install freekbox3, as well as some additional experimental profiles, like freekbox3-gnome, freekbox3-laptop, and fg-baseserver.
Testing the image:
install qemu:
apt-get install qemu
the qemu-test script is a wrapper around build-simple-cdd that also runs a virtual machine with qemu to boot the CD and install it. any options you can pass to build-simple-cdd should also work for qemu-test.
use the qemu-test script:
./qemu-test --profiles freekbox3
for serial console only (useful for remote setups):
./qemu-test --serial --profiles freekbox3
after the initial install, when it says "rebooting", you may need to manually
exit qemu:
ctrl-a c q
then the initial system boot should be started.
More info:
check out the simple-cdd README, or:
./build-simple-cdd --help