Recycling Data Entry

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Data entry lets us keep track of gizmo inflow and outflow. These numbers need to be as accurate as possible for reporting to Oregon E-cycles and establishing proper Inventory counts.

When entering the recycling information, the recycling tally sheets from each department of Free Geek must be gathered up preferably once per week, and on the last day of the month, or in some cases, the first day of the new month.

For the end-of-the-month entries, please let the Beancounters know which day you have chosen to complete the data entry.

Tally Sheet Locations

Starting geographically from Gaylord country in the Warehouse:

  • CRT Monitors (in the gaylords area of the warehouse)
  • TVs (On the TV rack in the warehouse)
  • LCD Monitors (in the warehouse, usually hanging on a hook near the Monitor Testing shelves, or on the shelf)
  • Printerland (On the printer incoming shelves in the warehouse)
  • SDA - Systems (Hanging on the cart used by SDA to bring systems to the warehouse)
  • SDA - System Evaluation Miscellaneous (In SDA usually in the slot on the wall or on the work bench)
  • System Evaluation (On the cart in eval used by staff to bring systems to the warehouse)
  • Macintosh (on east side wall in MacLand)
  • Laptops (on east side wall in Laptop land)

How to

  1. Type http://data/ in the address bar of your favorite web browser from inside the Free Geek network (this will not work through the wireless)
  2. Click on the link on the left side of the screen that says "Recyclings"
  3. Click on "Entry"
  4. Click the calendar to Record the date choose the correct date according to the tally sheet
  5. On the right side, choose the type of gizmos that were recycled using the drop down menu
  6. Record how many, and in some cases whether the item was Covered' or Uncovered.
  7. Most tally sheets have entries for every day of the week, but not all of them, make sure you are only entering in the entries for the date you chose in the calendar
  8. Make a mark on theTally Sheet with a highlighter or marker in order to visually keep track of which entries you have completed.
  9. Hit the "Create" button and you're done! (This is a very important step! Don't lose your work!)
  10. Repeat for the next Day.

Important Tips

  • When entering in the numbers from the 2 Tally Sheets for Systems (1 from SDA, 1 from System Evaluation), you will only be entering in the Red/Yellow Light (recyclers). Not the Green Lights, these are systems we are NOT recycling, so they do not need to be entered in here.
  • On Fridays, Recycling ships out a number of gaylords, the TV and CRT Monitor tally sheets need to be replaced by putting them sideways in the back of the clipboards, in the warehouse.
  • Some handwriting can be pretty tough to decipher. It might be a good idea to ask a staffer from the area to help decipher a number or count the tally marks with you, check the initials or talk to someone who works in that area on a regular basis.