Store Improvements

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I'm revisiting this pages just to look at past ideas and how they fit my conception of where things are going. My comments are paranthetical -Luiz Well, its been a year since I've worked on this. The original comments were from the previous residents. My comments from a year ago are in parentheses. This round of commnets will be in brackets. Luiz 00:12, 14 August 2008 (UTC)

Some stuff that would make the Thrift Store easier to run:


Jessica wants us to work more with Kevin to have a store presence at tabling events and outreach. She also suggests having a store kiosk at a Farmers market (?!), arranged like people's food coop arranges produce. also a presence at last thursday selling t-shirt, stickers, dvd's, small hard drives, a few computers, power cables, etc. J is looking into a colloborative art project (installation) for the store. Re-building center-esque with 6 local artists with the theme "technology and nature." J and L are both looking into triaging as much of the rote work as possible (a la build).Luiz 21:08, 18 August 2008 (UTC)

Immediate Tasks

[Wonder if I should keep this page open when I'm working to get improvements in some central location, what with me complaining about a lack of communication from others regarding what is happening in their areas. Still amazing that anoyone would write the following two down considering you could have completed the task in less time

  • The most immediate stuff: Improving till counter by moving cabling. Move stereo behind counter.
  • Get SCSI cards out of IDE section (done...keep scsi lunatics away from the general public, please!)
  • Label USB and modem boxes (done...week one...was this worth writing down?)


  • Replace sailor with a faster machine and/or upgrade OS (faster...for what? so youtube streams faster?)[still a dumb idea. I choose small over fast...just so happens that now there is small *and* fast]
  • Make system for regularly upgrading isos (still a problem, but not so much considering Ubuntu's popularity) [we stock what is in the store boxes and freekboxes. This makes community tech support way easier. People who need super specialized distros should be introduced to The Internet]
  • Clear labelling on boxes/shelves: what's there and how much does it cost (ongoin, maybe forever...remodel will address some) [Ongoing problem. Really, I need some permanent thing to attach nopermanent signs to so the don't curl up on the sides and look junky. A few sheets of chloroplast should do the trick]
  • Clean up behind counter (get up out of that chair, and its pretty easy)[Very different now. In a nutshell, storage space was replaced with working space, and a work column was replaced with a work triangle. The polygonal shape is much better for work, but also means that people approach you from all sides. Customer flow control remains as an issue]
  • Get phones in the store (work with Nathan) (done, and annoying questions were available for everyone)[Still annoying...I'm planning on removing the phone after geek fair to give better service to the customers that we already have]
  • Organize system for wall warts so we can find different voltages and figure out what voltages we don't have so we can get more. (alot of upkeep for a $2 item...this highlights just how much I've moved away from this type of micro-service and towards whole system sales)[Wallwarts are almost gone. I think that they can be brought back with a simple sort (and slightly higher price). The main reason that I would be into this is that 1) it brings other kinds of customers into the store and 2) provides a central place to find wall warts while not making a packrat pile. We'll see...I think the time for these may be nearing an end]
  • Figure out when to send people to the wishlist and when to send them to receiving (figure this out: no more wishlist)
  • Window sign that explains the store, what we sell, don't sell, and why. (please, no more stuff on the windows. i like light)[these are much better than before. Less garbage.]
  • Office supplies area (done, variable, popular)[irrelevant]
  • More testing in other places: sound cards, scroll mice, 5 and 7GB hard drives, zip drives (IDE and parallel), SCSI hard drives (done. just be nice)[moves evolutionarily. this cannot be dictated by the store. I prefer selling things really cheap as is anyhow when it makes sense.]
  • Reorganize: less slow-selling stuff, more quickly-selling stuff (reconcile this idea with the wallwarts idea above...)[ongoing.]
  • Get adoption volunteers in store (No. No. No. Build yes, adoption no)[Now I think we need both. Adoption voluteers provide the best information about making the store volunteerable. Many build volunteers scare off whole system buyers. Almost a 180 on this point of view]
  • Get more cashier volunteers in store (Done)[It will be enough when I hardly cashier. Ongoing]
  • Possibly get unpaid store intern (Working on it)[Done, More.]
  • Price printer cartridges: set up system and document to store people know how to price them (more trouble than they are worth)[All cartridges now recycled. New carts provided by refiller for printers. Hugely better. An Archimedes moment]

Related planning documents (July 2009)

Store Meta Question

Thrift Store (PPS)

Thoughts on Increasing Sales Income

Sales Plan

General Free Geek planning documents

Vision Statement

Long Term Strategy Process

General Priorities

Overview Time Line