Free Geek Washington

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E-Waste reality, we help make solutions happen now!

Connecting the pieces Creating the events. Sharing in the responsiblity.

Mission Purpose

To eliminate E-waste,
by Responsible component Recovery through Recylcing, Rebuilding, while encouraging Reducing and Reusing of electronics.

"Facilitate and implement responsible stewardship of e-Waste among the critical businesses envolved. Encourage participation with the whole community, providing technology and educational training opportunites for all."


As responsible environmental stewards, our roles in Electronic Waste (eWaste) program cycle are:

  • Pursuing standard plans, contracts, and premium services dealing with covered electronic and unwanted products.
  • Implementing services, between eWaste clients, processors, recyclers, transporters, retailers (intended for re-use), businesses (including small and large manufacturers), and household collection services.
  • Facilitating eWaste management ideas between donators, volunteers, businesses, and locations.

Our staff and volunteer network is ready, willing, and available to create solutions to your eWaste concerns.

-- Free Geek Bellingham --

(Many pages are still flowing idea documents.)

What you can do.


Stages of the Process

(Behind the scenes operational information)

Is your question, still not answered? Then please Free_Geek_Bellingham/Contact_us Contact FB-Bellingham