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Standing Action Committee
Note: As of 2011, the Action Committee has become the R & R Committee (Recycling and Receiving)
Mission: Building and equipment security, staff and volunteer safety, supply, waste removal, and the sale of scrap material.
Programs: Recycling, receiving, maintenance and design of the physical plant, building security, general safety, relationships with neighbors.
Email: action at
Members: Liane, Darryl, Cliff, John

Free Geek has a procedural approach to all management functions, including development and oversight of safety policies. Free Geek's safety policies are focused on limiting exposure to toxic chemicals, documenting and educating Free Geek volunteers and staff about safety procedures, and responding to emergencies. The following describes responsibilities for facility safety procedures as they are implemented by the Action Committee.

Moreover, it is the Action Committee that is responsible for setting safety goals for our whole organization and for maintaining and improving health, environmental and safety standards, and meets bi-monthly to discuss the current EHSMS.

The Action Committee monitors safety conditions in the building regularly. They identify and correct problems and prevent recurrence. There are two processes that we use in identifying, documenting and remedying safety issues. The first, and most important, is our online problem ticketing system, where staff and volunteers are encouraged to report safety issues. Second, a rotating team made up of two staff and one volunteer do a monthly facility walk-through, work through a checklist of items that includes changing air filters in our HVAC system, make sure our emergency equipment is up to date and that emergency exits are clear and navigable. They report their progress to the Action Committee so that additional improvements can be made as needed.


Budgeted Expenses

Updated end of Q3, 2008

All numbers are per month except where noted.


the facility section of the budget is meant to facilitate continues inprovement to the facility, Please make sure you are using it up
  • Equipment $66.67 (remember that tools are another item below)
  • Forklift $100/month
  • Improvements $500
  • Maintenance $500
  • Keys/locks/doors $50/month, except $500 in Jan. and July
  • Supplies (misc. maintenance?) $33.33
  • Truck $800 (per month estimate) (what is the trend?)
  • Truck insurance, oil changes, gas, DEQ, etc.. (waiting on insurance estimate)
  • Other (see nonrecurring expenses)

Receiving $50

Recycling (how does the Weirdness effect this....)

  • Monitors $6000
  • LCD screens (incl. laptops)
  • Printers $650
  • Scanners $200
  • Keyboards $50
  • Batteries $200/qtr (downwerd trend)
  • General disposal $16.67
  • Other $0


  • Supplies (like shrink wrap) $33.33 (45 a week starting q1 2009)
  • Safety $66.67
  • Towels $75
  • Tools $150 (this includes all tools used by volunteers)
  • First aid training $700 annually (taken in the first quarter)
  • Other $0

Nonrecurring expenses


  • painting the front area $1000 in Q4
  • Drafting Chairs $400 in Q4 2008
  • Ramp outside roll-up in recycling 3,000 to 4,000 (Darryl has bids)
  • highway system (paint) -- probably ongoing (cheap!)

Related Items

(This is for notes that indicate expenses that affect your committee but are actually classified under a different committee.)

We currently have one grant request in progress for the amount of $25,000 for a vehicle program (Purchase of box truck). We will here back on the grant in mid February. The money for this grant is planed to last us one year (purchase vehicle, maintenance, gas, insurance). We will have to report back after one year how the program went, and how we spent the money.