NPA Hiring Checklist
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This checklist is the current procedure for hiring Non-Profit Apprentices (NPA's) at Free Geek. It should be implemented in the context of the Hiring Policy.
EARLY STAGES (over a month in advance) | Review job description. Have all Collective members and NPA's look it over to see if anything needs adding/removing/clarifying | HR | |
If adding an additional NPA (rather than replacing an outgoing one), research the budget impact and include in budget. | HR | ||
Set timeframe for hiring and update the [HR Calendar] | HR | ||
1 WEEK IN ADVANCE | Form interview committee (the HR committee proposes names to the staff collective.) | HR | |
If special instructions are needed for Front Desk workers (i.e. handing out materials, applicant signatures, collecting resumes, etc.), then communicate this clearly to the Front Desk email list AND specifically to the Front Desk Coordinator. | Interivew Committee | ||
ADVERTISING THE JOB | Post to jobs page on [Free Geek website] | Interview Committee | |
Post to the main page of [Free Geek website] about position | Interview Committee | ||
Post to internal lists and bulletin boards | Interview Committee | ||
Post externally. Check out Where to post jobs for more info. | Interview Committee | ||
PREPARE FRONT DESK | Communicate the process & place for materials | HR | |
Send email to frontdesk(at)freegeek-dot-org to let the front desk interns know opening and closing dates and the protocol for applying | HR | ||
Prepare instructions for the next step of the interview. | HR | ||
Prepare a well-labeled folder with instructions for Front Desk. | HR | ||
AFTER ADVERTISING, BEFORE DEADLINE | Come up with important qualities and criteria for thinning/interviews | Interview Committee | |
Collect essays and resumes from the Front Desk at the end of every day | Interview Committee | ||
Maintain a spreadsheet of applicants and their info | Interview Committee | ||
Create interview questions (or use past ones) and email to staff list for suggestions | Interview Committee | ||
School yourself on [what you shouldn't ask] | Interview Committee | ||
AT/AFTER DEADLINE | Remove from jobs page AND posting from main page | Interview Committee | |
Remove internal hard copy postings. | Interview Committee | ||
Email staff list asking for helping thinning. Include in this email (1) where the essays and resumes are located, (2) reiterate the hiring criteria, and (3) explain what system to use for marking the essay and | Interview Committee | ||
Read essays and resumes and make recommendations for interviews | Interview Committee & Staff | ||
Notify individuals who will not be interviewed. Make sure regular volunteers receive a personalized email, phone call, or in-person notification. | Interview Committee | ||
Schedule NPA-led tours of applicants who will be interviewed (~30 minutes) | Interview Committee | ||
Schedule interviews (~30 minutes) | Interview Committee | ||
DECISION DAY AND BEYOND | Present recommendation to staff via email. Make sure to talk to other Collective members to determine whether there is anything you may have forgotten, or if you're unsure which candidate would be best to select. | Interview Committee | |
Contact 1st choice, confirm that they want the job, and then set their start date. | Interview Committee | ||
Contact those interviewed who will not be hired. Make sure regular volunteers receive a personalized email, phone call, or in-person notification. | Interview Committee | ||
Announce new hire via email to council, paidworkers, and regulars email lists. | Interview Committee | ||
NPA STARTS WORK! | Pair new hire with a buddy who will go through Orienting New Staff Members | HR |
Allow 4 weeks for process (Weeks 1 and 2: Post job. Leave open for 2 weeks. Week 3: Thin resumes, conduct interviews. Week 4: New NPA starts work!)