Sorting Training

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Your main responsibilities are to:

  • Teach Adoption volunteers basic intake procedures using this page as a guide.
  • Teach Adoption volunteers about Safety Procedures. Learn about what to do with potentially hazardous stuff.
  • Manage flow of gizmos through the Sorting area:
  • Keep staff updated on changes in receiving and sorting
  • Ensure that Receiving and Sorting are well integrated with Free Geek's production, sales, and recycling areas:
    • Run Basic Testing so that the adoption volunteers, the store, and hardware grants get what they need.
  • Maintain sanity and be a good role model for your volunteers! Be calm, positive, and fun.
  • Strive to improve the organization, training, and communication within receiving and with other areas.


This is a training checklist for new Sorting staff members and interns. It may be printed out and used until the new staff member/intern is fully trained.

New staff member/intern's name: __________________________________

Trainer's Name: _____________________________________

Sorting Basics Date New Hire Initials Staff Initials
Priorities (Clearing the Carts, Sorting)
Assisting a Donor in Warehouse
Tallying Donations in Warehouse
OR E-Cycles Training and Stickering (see Ewaste Training)
Identifying tricky gizmos (e.g systems vs. servers, copiers vs. multi-function printers, etc.)
Clearing the Carts
Secure Data Area (SDA) Incoming
CRT Monitor Incoming
CRT TV Incoming
Printer Incoming
LCD Incoming
MacLand Incoming

Receiving/Sorting Boxes (Including how to sort/empty each box) Date New Hire Initials Staff Initials
Tapes and Disks
Styrofoam and Packaging Materials
Copper Bearing Materials
Dirty/Junk plastic,filmy plastic, E-plastic
Cardboard boxes and Recycling
A/V Incoming Area
Keyboard/Mice Testing Area
Speaker Testing

Health and Safety in Receiving Date New Hire Initials Staff Initials
Review Safety Procedures in Receiving
Review Hazardous chemicals list
Safe Lifting
Avoiding tripping hazards in standing/walking areas
Safe Stacking Procedures in SDA and A/V incoming area
Broken/Open CRT Monitors
Broken Fluorescent Light Bulbs
Leaking Batteries
Mercury bearing thermostats or thermometers

Data Security Date New Hire Initials Staff Initials
Explain why data security is important
Laptops (to SDA --no power supplies)
Hard drives (to SDA)
External hard drives (to SDA--with cord)
Cell phones, PDAs, Digital Cameras, flash drives, etc. (to the Lock Box in Receiving)
Tivos, DVRs, and other misc. with potential hard drives (to SDA)
XBox 360, Playstation 3, other newer gaming systems (to SDA)
CDs/DVDs (shred/cut if home-made) and other media

Opening Sorting Date New Hire Initials Staff Initials
Turn on Basic Testing Computer, login to testing session
Turn on Walkie Talkie
Check Receiving calendar, notes, email on laptop
Check emails and/or Receiving RT Queue for requests or communication from other staff
Check Volunteer Schedule for new volunteers to plan training
Empty any boxes that need it and replace boxes as needed
Tidy and clean the area as needed
Get clean gloves, if needed
Introduce yourself to all volunteers
Assess new volunteers' abilities (check schedule to verify) and train them accordingly

During a Shift Date New Hire Initials Staff Initials
Keep in touch with Receiving in order to direct Runners
Be available to answer questions from volunteers
Sort and empty boxes that are filling up
Make sure safety protocols are being followed
Communicate with appropriate staff/areas about unusual gizmos
If it's slow, find tasks for all volunteers (if necessary, move them to another area)
Tidy and clean the area as needed

Closing Sorting Date New Hire Initials Staff Initials
Turn off Walkie Talkie
Tidy Printer Triage area, put tools away
Take paper recycling out on Thursday
Double check that no hard drives (or other data-bearing devices) are left out
Clear carts, put items on Sorting shelf
Turn off computers in basic testing area
Turn off lights
Tidy and clean the area as needed

Donations at Warehouse entrance and Staffing Sorting Alone Date New Hire Initials Staff Initials
Large Donations - Tallying Covered and Uncovered items (see Handling Large Donations at Receiving)
Organize and tally the carts
If alone (without volunteers), volunteers from Recycling may need to be involved
Ask nearby staff members to cover/provide backup (or have the Front desk page for backup) when needed

When Things Are Slow Date New Hire Initials Staff Initials
Sort and bag batteries
Go through boxes to ensure they have appropriate items in them (see Receiving Boxes)
Basic testing (but leave enough work for scheduled volunteers)
Clean sorting area (sweep, put away extra cups, remove stuff from under the table and in corners)
Break down and bag Styrofoam
Sort anti-static bags and shopping bags for the Store
Ask the recycling staff if there are any open spots at Table or Bench for receiving volunteers
Clean up basic testing area (cull ugly keyboards, mice, speakers)

Basic Testing Date New Hire Initials Staff Initials
Keyboards (Testing, Sorting and Storage)
Mouse (Testing, Sorting and Storage)

Volunteers In Sorting Date New Hire Initials Staff Initials
White Board for Names
Training Volunteers in Receiving
Passive Solicitation Policy: review, sign & file
Shadow two staff members as they orient volunteers
Volunteer Safety
Volunteer Recognition (Geek Love notes, etc)
Volunteer Break Policy
Volunteers with different abilities
Preventing theft (no coats hanging in sorting!) wiki page

Recycling Date New Hire Initials Staff Initials
Monitor Tetris
Steel bin
Cardboard bin
Paper Bins
Gaylords (where to set our boxes)
Advanced Recycling/Deconstruction shelves
What to communicate with the Recycling staff about

The Store Date New Hire Initials Staff Initials
Tour the store--see what they sell.
Explain why the store is important to Free Geek and Receiving's role in generating funds.
To leave in the packaging or not in the packaging? Cords, no! Some other stuff, yes.
Bringing items to the store
Items that the store likes/does not like
What to communicate with the sales staff about (large donations, etc)

Online Sales and Bulk Sales Date New Hire Initials Staff Initials
Sales priorities: 1. Thrift store, 2. Online sales, 3. Bulk Sales
Items that online sales likes
What to communicate with Online Sales staff about
Items that Bulk Sales likes
What to communicate with Bulk Sales about

Other Areas Date New Hire Initials Staff Initials
Hardware [Advanced] testing (incoming, what they test, etc.)

Admin Date New Hire Initials Staff Initials
The Receiving/Sorting Wiki Category
Receiving Boxes
Recycling E-Mail List (subscribe and explain)
Printing 'Uncovered' Stickers
Printing and Laminating Signs