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This form should be printed out, completed, and placed in the new intern's file.
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/19L-062CbbgOnFdXcgj-X1uXZx7IEarFRBU5Q20ERZYQ/edit?usp=sharing Link]
When new front desk worker is hired, there are several steps that need to be performed. It's the [[buddy]]'s job to make certain these steps are accomplished. Most of these things must be done by other people but it's the buddy's responsibility to make certain that it gets done and that a complete hard copy of this document exists in the new worker's file.
When a new Office Support Intern is accepted into the Free Geek [http://www.freegeek.org/volunteer/internships/ Internship] program, several training modules need to be covered. It is the Volunteer Coordinator's job to make certain new interns are trained. Some of the training can be done by other Free Geek employees or interns, but it's the Volunteer Coordinator's responsibility to make certain that it gets done and that a complete hard copy of this document exists in the new intern's file.
The buddy needs to determine an orientation schedule, and will need to arrange appointments with other staff members ('''noted in bold beside the task''') who are responsible for parts of the orientation. Each type of worker has unique orientation needs. Please orient new front desk worker on the following.
New Front Desk Worker's Name: __________________________________
New Front Desk Intern's Name: _______________________________ <br>
Buddy's Name: _____________________________________
==Training Modules for Office Support Interns==
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|- style="background:black; color:white"
!| Policy Briefing
!| Type
!| Date
!| Date
!| Trainee Initials
!| Staff Initials
!| Staff Initials
|| Create & file a folder under Admin: last name, first name ||  ||  ||  ||
|| Take Orientation tour ||  ||   
|| [[Volunteer Intern Contract]]  || || ||  ||
{| class="wikitable" BORDER=1px CELLPADDING=5 CELLSPACING=0 width=100%
|- style="background:black; color:white"
!| Date
!| Trainee Initials
!| Trainer Initials
|| Requesting schedule changes/days off ||  ||  ||  ||
|| '''''[[Volunteer Intern Contract]]''''': review, sign & file ||  ||  ||
|| [[Arriving Late and Cancellations]]/Calling in Sick ||  ||  ||  ||
|| '''''[http://wiki.freegeek.org/images/5/55/Conflict-of-interest-agreement.odt Conflict of Interest]''''': review, sign & file ||  ||  ||
|| Signing Checks, Contracts, Invoices  ||  ||  ||  ||
|| '''''[[General Conduct Guidelines]]''''':review ||  ||  ||  
|| Explain that this position is at-will employment and that he/she is subject to reviews || || ||  ||
|| '''''Arriving Late and Cancellations''''' / calling in sick: provide contact info || ||  ||
|| Emergency Info Request: enter ER contact, phone # & any allergies into database || ||  ||  ||
{| class="wikitable" BORDER=1px CELLPADDING=5 CELLSPACING=0 width=100%
|- style="background:black; color:white"
!| Date
!| Trainee Initials
!| Trainer Initials
|| Add to email list: frontdesk, (regulars?), (social?) ||  ||  ||
|| Take tour || ||  ||  ||
|| Checking "frontdesk@" e-mails: make calls/updates and respond to e-mails ||  ||  ||
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!| Physical orientation
!| Type
!| Date
!| Date
!| New Hire Initials
!| Trainee Initials
!| Staff Initials
!| Trainer Initials
|| Adoption vs. Build ||  ||  ||
|| Language, lingo, and jargon -- [[Volunteer Scheduling Keywords]] ||  ||  ||
|| [[Closing]] training '''(Dave)''' || (C) ||  ||  ||  
|| The different areas within Adoption: Receiving, Recycling (Bench, Table), Printerland, Testing ||  ||  ||
|| [[Safety]] training. Details on that page. '''(Darryl)''' || (all) ||  ||  ||  
|| The different areas within Build: Prebuild (Hardware ID, System Evaluation), Build/Assembly (Quality Control, Build Workshop), Post-Build (Laptops, Macintosh, Server Build, Advanced Testing) ||  ||  ||
|| Get keys, add to [[Keyholders]] and provide education ([[After Hours Access Policy]]) '''(Darryl)''' || (C,M, others as-needed) ||  ||  ||  
|| The physical requirements of each volunteer area (standing vs. sitting, lifting, where we best accommodate different abilities, etc.) ||  ||  ||
|| Workspace/Office '''(Ali)''' || (all) ||  ||  ||  
|| Disbursement basics: how, when, and why disbursements happen ||  ||  ||
|| Laptop '''(Ali)''' || (C) || || ||
|| The Tour (the first step for new volunteers): when, how long, etc  || || ||
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!| [[ASS]] & Other technical stuff
!| Type
!| Date
!| Date
!| New Hire Initials
!| Trainee Initials
!| Staff Initials
!| Trainer Initials
|| Reviewing Volunteer Applications, entering new volunteer information ||  ||  ||
|| Checking in volunteers ||  ||  ||
|| Recording volunteer and intern hours (program/shift types, rounding to 0.25 hour) ||  ||  ||
|| Recording hours for community service or school credit ||  ||  ||
|| The difference between hours and points ||  ||  ||
|| Scheduling volunteers for shifts (future shifts, walk-ins, which shifts can be split, etc.) ||  ||  ||
|| Create a Free Geek email address '''(Richard)''' || (all) ||  ||  ||  
|| Refreshing the schedule frequently and not overwriting already-scheduled shifts ||  ||  ||
|| Create a Noonien Account '''(Richard)''' || (all) ||  ||  ||  
|| Printing out volunteer hours ||  ||  ||
|| Create a Staff Wiki account '''(Richard)''' || (C) ||  ||  ||  
|| Accessing the "call list" feature ||  ||  ||
|| Create database account '''(Richard)''' || (all) ||  ||  ||  
|| Emergency Info Request: enter ER contact, phone # & any allergies into database ||  ||  ||
|| Create RT account '''(Richard)''' || (all) ||  ||  ||  
|| CLASSES: finding class information, scheduling volunteers for classes ||  ||  ||
|| Create wiki account '''(Richard)''' || (all) ||  ||  ||  
|| CLASSES: scheduling non-volunteers for classes ||  ||  ||
|| Create an Application Server account (fgstaff, beancounters) '''(Richard)''' || (?) ||  ||  ||  
|| INTERMEDIATE: merging duplicate records for a volunteer ||  ||  ||
|| Add to [[SFreekiWiki:Contact Info|Contact Info]] list on the secure wiki '''(Richard)''' || (all) ||  ||  ||  
|| INTERMEDIATE: transferring/combining points for volunteers - all parties must be present  ||  ||  ||
|| Add to Email Lists (staff, regulars, council, minutes, committees) '''(Richard)''' || (all - whichever appropriate) ||  || ||  
{| class="wikitable" BORDER=1px CELLPADDING=5 CELLSPACING=0 width=100%
|- style="background:black; color:white"
!| Date
!| Trainee Initials
!| Trainer Initials
|| Add to staffworksheet.gnumeric spreadsheet (Ask a '''beancounter''') '''(Richard)''' || (all) ||  ||  ||  
|| '''''[[Answering the phone]]''''' ||  ||  ||
|| Get new hire online! If no laptop, point out diskless terminals. '''(Richard)''' || (all) ||  ||  ||  
|| Using the telephone: Free Geek FAQ's ||  ||  ||
|| Update [[HR Calendar]] with date of hire, 3-month probationary goal setting, 6-month probationary review '''(buddy)''' || (all) ||  ||  ||
|| Using the telephone: how to transfer calls ||  ||  ||
|| Set up Thunderbird on laptop '''(Michael)''' || (C) ||  ||  ||
|| Using the telephone: how to check voicemail; return calls, send email, enter cancellations as necessary ||  ||  ||
|| Phone '''(Darryl)''' || (C) ||  ||  ||  
|| Paging: using the intercom on the telephone and awareness of areas that cannot hear the intercom  ||  ||  ||
|| Making reminder calls: Prebuild (Hardware ID, System Evaluation) and classes ||  ||  ||
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|- style="background:black; color:white"
|- style="background:black; color:white"
!| Technical infrastructure orientation
!| Type
!| Date
!| Date
!| New Hire Initials
!| Trainee Initials
!| Staff Initials
!| Trainer Initials
|| Review the Daily Checklist: '''''[[Volunteer Desk Checklist]]''''' ||  ||  ||
|| Checking bags ||  ||  ||
|| When and how to write equipment passes ||  ||  ||
|| Signing in non-volunteers ||  ||  ||
|| Handing out program information (what's in the filing cabinet) ||  ||  ||
|| '''''[[Making coffee]]''''' ||  ||  ||
|| Email archives http://lists.freegeek.org/listinfo and search '''(Sergio)''' || (all) ||  ||  ||  
|| Putting in supply requests before supplies run out ||  ||  ||
|| RT http://todo.freegeek.org/ '''(Sergio)''' || (all) ||  ||  ||  
|| Printing and restocking handouts and forms from '''''[[Dead Trees]]''''' ||  ||  ||
|| Wiki http://wiki.freegeek.org/ '''(Sergio)''' || (all) ||  ||  ||  
|| Writing reminder cards ||  ||  ||
|| Database http://data/  (only accessible from inside FG) '''(Sergio)''' || (all) ||  ||  ||  
|| Slow time tasks checklist ||  ||  ||
|| Where and how to record work hours http://noonien/sched/enterID.php '''(Sergio)''' || (all) ||  ||  ||  
|| Keeping the front desk tidy ||  ||  ||
|| Secure wiki '''(Sergio)''' || (all) || || ||
|| Recording your own hours as an intern  || || ||
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!| Cultural orientation
!| Type
!| Date
!| Date
!| New Hire Initials
!| Trainee Initials
!| Staff Initials
!| Trainer Initials
|| Orientation to our meeting structure ([[Meeting Tips|Facilitating]], [[Scribe|Scribing]], [[Consensus]]) '''(Ali)'''|| (all) ||  ||  ||  
|| When to ask staff for assistance ||  ||  ||
|| Introduced around to core volunteers '''(buddy)''' || (all) ||  ||  ||  
|| Breaks (how and when to take them) ||  ||  ||
|| Get photo and bio for staff page(http://www.freegeek.org/staff) '''(Luiz)''' || (C) ||  ||  ||  
|| '''''[[Bag Check Policy]]''''' ||  ||  ||
|| [[Job Descriptions]] for other staff members '''(Darryl)''' || (all) ||  ||  ||  
|| Signing Checks, Contracts, Invoices: don't do it!  ||  ||  ||
|| [[Staff Responsibilities|this page]] ||  ||  ||  ||  
|| Parking ||  ||  ||
|| Explain what to expect the first few weeks '''(buddy)''' || (all) ||  ||  ||  
|| '''''[[Netiquette at Free Geek]]''''' ||  ||  ||  
|| How to tell you're doing well (on time, floor shifts, moving position forward, commitments) '''(buddy)''' || (all) ||  ||  ||  
|| Access to other volunteer information: using common sense, professionalism and discretion  ||  ||  ||
|| [[Free Geek FAQ]] '''(Tony)''' || (all) ||  ||  ||  
|| '''''[[Safety]]''''' training  ||  ||  ||
|| [[Standing Staff Committees]] What the committees do and where to send what emails'''(Someone)''' || (all) || ||  ||  
{| class="wikitable" BORDER=1px CELLPADDING=5 CELLSPACING=0 width=100%
|- style="background:black; color:white"
!| Date
!| Trainee Initials
!| Trainer Initials
|| [[Netiquette at Free Geek]] '''(Tony)''' || (all) ||  ||  ||  
|| Building walk around: layout and names for various areas + familiarization with core volunteers & staff  ||  ||  ||
|| Documentation (why it's important, where to document what) '''(Luiz)''' || (all) ||  ||  ||  
|| Behind the Volunteer Desk - review layout: bag check, files, cleaning supplies & tools  ||  ||  ||
|| Benefits of volunteering/interning: First Tech Credit Union, 20% store discount, participation in committees, access to library and computer lab, classes  ||  ||  ||
|| Where to park your car '''(Tony)''' || (all) ||  ||  ||  
|| Continued learning: taking classes and volunteering in other areas ||  ||  ||  
|| Full policy list [[Category:Policy]] '''(Tony)''' || (all) ||  ||  ||  
|| Supply request: BEFORE running out, ask staff to request more ||  ||  ||
[[Category:Volunteer Internships]]
[[Category:Front Desk]]
[[Category:Front Desk]]
[[Category:Volunteer Training]]

Latest revision as of 12:42, 5 September 2014


This page has been migrated to a document on Free Geek's Google Drive.

Information remaining behind may no longer be relevant.


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When a new Office Support Intern is accepted into the Free Geek Internship program, several training modules need to be covered. It is the Volunteer Coordinator's job to make certain new interns are trained. Some of the training can be done by other Free Geek employees or interns, but it's the Volunteer Coordinator's responsibility to make certain that it gets done and that a complete hard copy of this document exists in the new intern's file.

New Front Desk Intern's Name: _______________________________

Training Modules for Office Support Interns

PRIOR TO FIRST DAY Date Staff Initials
Take Orientation tour

PAPERWORK Date Trainee Initials Trainer Initials
Volunteer Intern Contract: review, sign & file
Conflict of Interest: review, sign & file
General Conduct Guidelines:review
Arriving Late and Cancellations / calling in sick: provide contact info

IT - PERMISSIONS & LOG-INS Date Trainee Initials Trainer Initials
Add to email list: frontdesk, (regulars?), (social?)
Checking "frontdesk@" e-mails: make calls/updates and respond to e-mails

PROGRAM INFORMATION Date Trainee Initials Trainer Initials
Adoption vs. Build
Language, lingo, and jargon -- Volunteer Scheduling Keywords
The different areas within Adoption: Receiving, Recycling (Bench, Table), Printerland, Testing
The different areas within Build: Prebuild (Hardware ID, System Evaluation), Build/Assembly (Quality Control, Build Workshop), Post-Build (Laptops, Macintosh, Server Build, Advanced Testing)
The physical requirements of each volunteer area (standing vs. sitting, lifting, where we best accommodate different abilities, etc.)
Disbursement basics: how, when, and why disbursements happen
The Tour (the first step for new volunteers): when, how long, etc

USING THE DATABASE Date Trainee Initials Trainer Initials
Reviewing Volunteer Applications, entering new volunteer information
Checking in volunteers
Recording volunteer and intern hours (program/shift types, rounding to 0.25 hour)
Recording hours for community service or school credit
The difference between hours and points
Scheduling volunteers for shifts (future shifts, walk-ins, which shifts can be split, etc.)
Refreshing the schedule frequently and not overwriting already-scheduled shifts
Printing out volunteer hours
Accessing the "call list" feature
Emergency Info Request: enter ER contact, phone # & any allergies into database
CLASSES: finding class information, scheduling volunteers for classes
CLASSES: scheduling non-volunteers for classes
INTERMEDIATE: merging duplicate records for a volunteer
INTERMEDIATE: transferring/combining points for volunteers - all parties must be present

ANSWERING THE TELEPHONE Date Trainee Initials Trainer Initials
Answering the phone
Using the telephone: Free Geek FAQ's
Using the telephone: how to transfer calls
Using the telephone: how to check voicemail; return calls, send email, enter cancellations as necessary
Paging: using the intercom on the telephone and awareness of areas that cannot hear the intercom
Making reminder calls: Prebuild (Hardware ID, System Evaluation) and classes

VOLUNTEER DESK DUTIES Date Trainee Initials Trainer Initials
Review the Daily Checklist: Volunteer Desk Checklist
Checking bags
When and how to write equipment passes
Signing in non-volunteers
Handing out program information (what's in the filing cabinet)
Making coffee
Putting in supply requests before supplies run out
Printing and restocking handouts and forms from Dead Trees
Writing reminder cards
Slow time tasks checklist
Keeping the front desk tidy
Recording your own hours as an intern

FREE GEEK POLICIES Date Trainee Initials Trainer Initials
When to ask staff for assistance
Breaks (how and when to take them)
Bag Check Policy
Signing Checks, Contracts, Invoices: don't do it!
Netiquette at Free Geek
Access to other volunteer information: using common sense, professionalism and discretion
Safety training

OTHER INFORMATION Date Trainee Initials Trainer Initials
Building walk around: layout and names for various areas + familiarization with core volunteers & staff
Behind the Volunteer Desk - review layout: bag check, files, cleaning supplies & tools
Benefits of volunteering/interning: First Tech Credit Union, 20% store discount, participation in committees, access to library and computer lab, classes
Continued learning: taking classes and volunteering in other areas
Supply request: BEFORE running out, ask staff to request more