Dead trees

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This page is an index for files that need to look a certain way when printed out, for example forms and brochures where the page layout is very important.

There are a variety of applications that can produce these printouts, including Openoffice, Glabels, and Gnumeric. please install the freegeek-deadtrees package in order to ensure that you have them all installed. if you include files on this page that are not supported by the above mentioned programs, please inform an ASS.

If there are files listed here that don't need to look a certain way when printed out, they should probably just be moved to a regular wiki page.

There are some files here that were originally uploaded as postscript files only. (The old system had a place for source files, but some authors did not commit their source files.) In those cases, the postscript file should be used as a basis for re-creating the document using open office or another appropriate application.)

To use these files click on the link. If your computer is properly configured your application will open the document. You may need to install additional software and/or configure your browser to do this.

Please help by adding user friendly names and descriptions where they are needed. If you know how to do any of this please help out. If you upload a new file, please make sure to post a decent name and description of that file. (Look at how the current ones are done as an example.)

Volunteer Information

New Volunteer Form
For all new volunteers to fill out before becoming a geek
General Conduct Guidelines
Rules of conduct while at FREE GEEK to ensure we are all treated with respect while we're here.
Volunteer Emergency Injury Information
Print out on yellow-ish paper and cut apart. Choose a different color than that used for the Employee cards. Have these printouts on hand with Incident reports. Follow this link for the emergency injury process in detail. This card will be handed off to the injured party if a volunteer.

Adoption Program Information

Adoption Packet
This is the information we give to all volunteers interested in the Adoption Program!
Adoption Schedule
Should be most current schedule for adoption scheduling
Legal-size Adoption Schedule
This has been developed to accomodate the 10 spots we now have in printerland! It is legal size. Print on VINO because it can accommodate multiple legal size pages.
Adoption Exit Survey
For feedback from outgoing adopters.

Build Program Information

Build Packet
Information for volunteers interested in becoming build volunteers.
Builder's Status Sheet
Print sparingly for the time being, it may be updated; print just page one unless a volunteer plans on building a lot of systems.
Prebuild schedule
This is the schedule used to sign up volunteers for Card and Motherboard Sorting and System Evaluation 1 and 2. It lives on a clipboard at the front desk.
Build Schedule
This is the build schedule. Put your better description here.

Bookkeeping slips (for Front Desk and Thrift Store)

Credit card receipt form
Used for reimbursement
IOU/Reimbursement Form
To reimburse people from the store or front desk tills for purchases made, etc.
Mileage reimbursement form
This lives at the front desk and is used to show how much money was spent on reimbursements for Free Geek business travel. It is completed after the trip when the money is reimbursed to the traveller.

Front Desk

All the regularly scheduled classes
This will upload all the classes in one easy file. They can be printed all at once or individually based on what printing option you happen to choose. Fun!
Free Geek Brochure
These are for the general public to learn more about Free Geek (and maybe kick us down some cash). For printing: Select Print, in the print box, select properties, under the paper tab, select "long edge (standard)" in the duplex space, select OK. Now enter the number of copies you want and click "collate." Press OK. It is always good to print a few first to make sure layout is right.
Hardware donations form
Old "receiving-donation-form", for use by hardware donations workers and the front desk
Fax Cover Sheet
Receipt log
For use by hardware donations workers and the front desk and at pickup events. This should be filled out so a normal receipt can be entered when the database is again accessible.
Generic donation form
For use by hardware donations workers and the front desk and at pickup events. This can be given to donors in lieu of a regular receipt.
Styrofoam Recycling Information
To provide donors with information regarding styrofoam recycling.
Employee Emergency Injury Information
Print out on brightly colored paper and cut apart. Choose a different color than that used for the Volunteer cards. Have these printouts on hand with Incident reports. Follow this link for the emergency injury process in detail. This card will be handed off to the injured party if an employee.

Build and Eval

Certified Eval Trainers
List of staff, subs, and volunteers who are Eval instructors
Tally sheet for eval
This is the system evaluation tally sheet that hangs on the cart in system evaluation. It tracks how many keeper and how many recycle systems we send to the warehouse. Data entry volunteers use this to enter data in the database


Keeper Labels-5963
These are the labels used in system evaluation to indicate a system is a keeper. They belong in the system evaluation area.
Reason for Recycle Labels-5962
These are the labels used in system evaluation to indicate a system is to be recycled and why. They belong in the system evaluation area.
Reject Labels-5962
These are the labels used throughout the building (except in system evaluation) to indicate a system is to be recycled and why. They belong in the build area.
Laptop Keeper Labels-5963
Laptop Recycle Labels-5963
MoBo Labels-5963
These are the labels used in Advanced Testing to indicate a MoBo that is Tested and good. They belong in the Advanced testing area.


Conflict of Interest Agreement
State Continuation Election Form
For health plan administrator use. Signed by outgoing employees who were covered by our health plan.
Outgoing Materials Report
Blank letterhead
Do not use for evil purposes.


Till worksheet
This is a spreadsheet that can be used to count money in the tills at the end of a cashier's shift, and also for beancounting the following day. It is filled out and printed out at the end of the cashier's shift (and then included in the till), and it is filled out and printed out to include in the daily transaction books by the beancounters.
End of shift form
This lives in the bookkeeping toolbox and is printed out blank and then partially filled out when preparing a till to show how much money the till started with. It is completed at the end of a shift to reflect how much money is in the till at the end of the shift.


Adoption Outreach Flyer
Earn-a-computer tear-off sheets. Outreach. For hardware grants use. Given to organizations receiving grants from us. Outreach.
Donor email signup
For PR to collect donor emails for quarterly email newsletter.
Volunteer Etiquette Brochure
Still a work in progress - DO NOT PRINT!!!
Tri-Fold Brochure Template
Note: To print these correctly, make sure to select "Short Edge (Flip)" under Duplex options (look under "Properties" to find Duplex options)


Newsletter sign up
Quick explanation of Free Geek, adoption, and build programs.
Summary_adoption_position (needs reformatting)
Summary_build_position (needs reformatting)
Chart explaining toxins present in computers.


AV Triage
Where Full Boxes Go
Wash Your Hands
Testing Stations
Printer Triage Modified
Power Adapter Sorting 2.0
Mouse Testing
Keyboard Testing
Monitor Triage
Keyboard Testing
Box Contents
Items we do not take
Bags, Plastic, Packing Materials sorting
AV Triage

Tech Support

Tech Support Intake Form
For use when a computer is left at Tech Support to record the adopters name, contact info, login info, issues, and who the adopter spoke to.

Supported formats

We currently support these formats for upload:

  • OpenOffice Graphics files (.odg)
  • OpenOffice Text files (.odt)
  • Gnumeric spreadsheet files (.gnumeric)
  • Glabels label files (.glabels)
  • Portable Network Graphic (.png)
  • Portable Document Format (.pdf)

Most other formats are not supported for upload.

If the files listed below are not being used, we should simply archive their old PS files and remove them from this list. Otherwise, we should take measures to get versions in supported formats uploaded.

html (switch formats):

(We will not support the upload of HTML files. Switch the format to something else and we will upload that instead. Links to the postscript and the most recent html files are included.)
