
From FreekiWiki
Revision as of 14:32, 21 November 2009 by Laurel (talk | contribs)
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Volunteer Desk Pre-Opening Tasks Initials
I-9 form (MK) (all)
W-4 form (MK) (all)
Direct Deposit of paychecks (MK) (all)
Health Insurance explanation/meeting (Laurel) (C,M)
Set up Retirement Plan Meeting (Laurel) (C)
Staff Handbook (Liane) (all)
Staff Vacation Policies/Change in Schedule (Liane) (C,M)
Arriving Late and Cancellations/Calling in Sick (Liane) (all)
Signing Checks, Contracts, Invoices (Liane) (all)
Explain that this position is at-will employment and that he/she is subject to reviews (Ali) (all)
Conflict of Interest Form (Conflict of Interest Policy) (MK) (ALL)
Emergency Info Request Form (MK) (ALL)

Volunteer Desk During the Day Tasks Date Completed Initials
Closing training (Dave) (C)
Safety training. Details on that page. (Darryl) (all)
Get keys, add to Keyholders and provide education (After Hours Access Policy) (Darryl) (C,M, others as-needed)
Workspace/Office (Ali) (all)
Laptop (Ali) (C)

Volunteer Desk Closing Tasks Date Completed Initials
Create a Free Geek email address (Richard) (all)
Create a Noonien Account (Richard) (all)
Create a Staff Wiki account (Richard) (C)
Create database account (Richard) (all)
Create RT account (Richard) (all)
Create wiki account (Richard) (all)
Create an Application Server account (fgstaff, beancounters) (Richard) (?)
Add to Contact Info list on the secure wiki (Richard) (all)
Add to Email Lists (staff, regulars, council, minutes, committees) (Richard) (all - whichever appropriate)
Add to staffworksheet.gnumeric spreadsheet (Ask a beancounter) (Richard) (all)
Get new hire online! If no laptop, point out diskless terminals. (Richard) (all)
Update HR Calendar with date of hire, 3-month probationary goal setting, 6-month probationary review (buddy) (all)
Set up Thunderbird on laptop (Michael) (C)
Phone (Darryl) (C)

Donor Desk Pre-Opening Tasks Date Completed Initials
Email archives and search (Sergio) (all)
RT (Sergio) (all)
Wiki (Sergio) (all)
Database http://data/ (only accessible from inside FG) (Sergio) (all)
Where and how to record work hours http://noonien/sched/enterID.php (Sergio) (all)
Secure wiki (Sergio) (all)

Donor Desk During the Day Tasks Date Completed Initials
Orientation to our meeting structure (Facilitating, Scribing, Consensus) (Ali) (all)
Introduced around to core volunteers (buddy) (all)
Get photo and bio for staff page( (Luiz) (C)
Job Descriptions for other staff members (Darryl) (all)
this page
Don't tell them they are required to bring donuts to the first staff meeting (everyone) (C)
Explain what to expect the first few weeks (buddy) (all)
what to expect during probationary period (buddy) (C,E,M)
How to tell you're doing well (on time, floor shifts, moving position forward, commitments) (buddy) (all)
Command Line Navigation (Ali) (C,?)
Free Geek FAQ (Tony) (all)
Standing Staff Committees What the committees do and where to send what emails(Someone) (all)
Netiquette at Free Geek (Tony) (all)
Documentation (why it's important, where to document what) (Luiz) (all)
Where to park your car (Tony) (all)
Full policy list (Tony) (all)
Donor Desk Closing Tasks Date Completed Initials
Closing training (Dave) (C)
Safety training. Details on that page. (Darryl) (all)
Get keys, add to Keyholders and provide education (After Hours Access Policy) (Darryl) (C,M, others as-needed)
Workspace/Office (Ali) (all)
Laptop (Ali) (C)