Template:Training Guide for Hardware Grants Internship

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The following orientation form should be printed out, completed, and placed in the new Hardware Grant Worker's file.

Hardware Grants Orientation Checklist

When new hardware grants worker is hired, there are several steps that need to be performed. It's the buddy's job to make certain these steps are accomplished. Most of these things must be done by other people but it's the buddy's responsibility to make certain that it gets done and that a complete hard copy of this document exists in the new worker's file.

The buddy needs to determine an orientation schedule, and will need to arrange appointments with other staff members or interns who are responsible for parts of the orientation. Please orient new front desk worker on the following.

New Hardware Grant Intern's Name: __________________________________

Buddy's Name: _____________________________________

Policy Briefing Date Trainee Initials Staff Initials
Volunteer Intern Contract: review, sign & file
Requesting schedule changes/days off: provide contact info
Arriving Late and Cancellations/Calling in Sick: provide contact info
Explain that this position is at-will employment and that he/she is subject to reviews
Emergency Info Request: enter ER contact, phone # & any allergies into database
Take Orientation tour

Technical Orientation Date Trainee Initials Staff Initials
Create RT acount
Create a claws account
Create a database account
Create wiki account
Add to grants list

Cultural Orientation Date Trainee Initials Staff Initials
Orientation to our meeting structure (Facilitating, Scribing, Consensus)
Introduced around to core volunteers
Introduced around to staff: indicate collective member
Explain what to expect the first few weeks
How to tell you're doing well (on time, floor shifts, moving position forward, commitments)
Free Geek FAQ
Standing Staff Committees What the committees do and where to send what emails
Netiquette at Free Geek
Documentation (why it's important, where to document what)
Where to park your car
Full policy list http://wiki.freegeek.org/index.php/Category:Policy

Physical Orientation Date Trainee Initials Staff Initials
Review building layout, public accessibility and names for various areas
Safety training, details on that page
Review (After Hours Access Policy)
Indicate available admin workspaces
Indicate grantable hardware and storage space in warehouse
Indicate grantable PCs in classroom

Administrative Orientation Date Trainee Initials Staff Initials
Review Using RT for Hardware Grants
Learn RT basics
Distinguish FG-PDX PCs from FreekBoxen
Enter data regarding disbursements into database
Review Phone System Howto

Disbursement Orientation Date Trainee Initials Staff Initials
Shadow your trainer during a disbursement
Assist your trainer during a disbursement
Be shadowed by your trainer during a disbursement