New Staff Member Orientation

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This information is specifically intended for new Staff Collective Members.


A "buddy" is assigned by HR to newly hired collective members to guide them through their probationary period. The buddy and new hire should initial off on each step


When new staff is hired there are several steps that need to be performed. It's the buddy's job to make certain these steps are accomplished. Some of these things must be done by other people (e.g. an ASS) but it's the buddy's responsibility to make certain that it gets done.

HR paperwork and policy briefing Date New Hire Initials Staff Buddy Initials
I-9 form
W-4 form
Direct Deposit of paychecks
Staff Handbook
Vacation Policy/Change in Schedule
Calling in Sick
Signing Checks, Contracts, Invoices
Committee Selection
Health/Dental Insurance
Update HR Calendar
Set up Retirement Plan Meeting

Physical orientation Date New Hire Initials Staff Buddy Initials
Closing training
LOCKS list signup & education (After Hours Access Policy)

ASS & Other technical stuff Date New Hire Initials Staff Buddy Initials
Free Geek email address
Secure Wiki
Add to contact list on the secure wiki
Application Server account (fgstaff, beancounters)
Email Lists (staff, core, council, minutes, committees)
Phone - Darryl can coordinate
Add to staffworksheet.gnumeric spreadsheet (Ask a beancounter)
Add to Contact Info in fgstaff directory on application server
Create database account
Create RT account
create wiki account

Technical infrastructure orientation Date New Hire Initials Staff Buddy Initials
Email archives and search
Database http://data/ (only accessible from inside FG)
Where and how to record work hours http://noonien/sched/enterID.php

Cultural indoctrination Date New Hire Initials Staff Buddy Initials
Orientation to our meeting structure
Introduced around to core volunteers
Get photo and bio for staff page
Job Descriptions for other staff members
this page
Don't tell them they are required to bring donuts to the first staff meeting
Explain what to expect the first few weeks
what to expect during probationary period
How to tell you're doing well (on time, floor shifts, moving position forward, commitments)
Explain Superbox/Laptop benefits
Education - (Help:Basic Navigation, Wiki Tutorial, RT rundown)
Command Line Navigation
Free Geek FAQ
Netiquette at Free Geek
Documentation (why it's important, where to document what)
Where to park your car
Staff Contact Info, Secure wiki (
Full policy list [[1]]

Other duties

The buddy should also:

  • check-in once a week,
  • be the "go to" person for questions,
  • be proactive about questions and issues, and
  • be sure to check in on how the new member is doing on completing goals set at 3 month mark. The buddy can even help the new collective member distill action plans from items in their job description.

Current buddies

Laurel is the buddy
Ian is the buddy
Richard is the buddy
Richard is the buddy
Ali is the buddy
Ali is the buddy