Tech Support to do

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Revision as of 18:59, 9 February 2011 by Dunstvangeet (talk | contribs)
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To do list and possible changes for the Tech support wiki

Pages that need updating to reference 10.04 that currently only reference 8.04 (also check all pages for references to 6.04 and delete said Drapper information.)

Separate_and_the_Gimp has no 8.04 or 10.04 sections










Pages that could be merged with other pages

Merge MP3 section and Multimedia_and_DVDs_in_Ubuntu and some of the other ones like Java and flash due to all being attached to medibuntu and Restricted Extras?

Tech Support Orientation and Orientation List appear to be redundant, should be merged. Volunteer_Agreement_(Tech_Support) merge with the orientation?

Tech Support (PPS) and Tech Support Plan and Tech_support_mission merge?

Wireless Tips and Wireless card compatibility list merge?

Other areas that need work

Keyring password clear/reset has only 10.04 page, add 8.04?

Main Tech Support page, update list of interns to be accurate.

Tech Education page appears to be redundant and semi useless at this point

Tech_support_2.0 page needs work

Tech_support_backup_services page needs reworking and updating to current policy/prices.

On Tech Support, page linked in wiki redirects to non-existant page on the main website.

USB drives page marked as delete request, why do we just redirect to Ubuntu pages?

Ubuntu_Mac_new_user_FAQ needs updating to reflect same phasing as other pages on media and DVDs?