Front Desk

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Revision as of 15:02, 8 February 2006 by Kathie (talk | contribs) (:)
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Kathie and Debi sit at the front desk and make it work.

Must do tasks

If you're working at the front desk, you have to be sure these get done:

Other Tasks

Note: the following are pre-opening tasks

  • review and respond to e-mails
  • review and record phone mesages
  • Answer messages as needed
a. return calls
b. send e-mail messages to staff or committees as needed
c. check schedule sheet and record cancelations as needed
d. call to reschedule appointments as needed
  • check supplies (weekly) and prepare supply run list e-mail
  • collect and/all data entry documents
  • check receiver donation forms supply print new batch as needed

Note: the following tasks are done during work hours

  • check in builders, adopters and volunteers
  • schedule builders and adopters
  • answer phone
  • take donations and give receipts
  • prepare for noon/6pm tour (get packets ready to hand out)
  • prepare schedule sheets-3 weeks in advance
  • prepare class schedule sheets- 3 weeks in advance
  • prepare documents for data entry (regular and special adoption program
check documents for missing information
provide missing information
put like pages (i.e. all monitor sheets) into one group

Other important things

But there are procedures that need to be followed by us lesser creatures, such as:

and so forth??

The White Board



Current Happenings