Free Geek Washington

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About Free Geek - Bellingham


E-Waste reality, we help make solutions happen now!

Connecting the pieces Creating the events. Sharing in the responsiblity.

Mission Purpose

To eliminate E-waste,
by Responsible component Recovery through Recylcing, Rebuilding, and encouraging Reducing and Re-using of electronics.

"Facilitate responsible stewardship of e-Waste among the critical businesses envolved. Through encouragement/participation with the whole community, providing technology and educational/training opportunites for all."  (still needs some work).


As responsible environmental stewards, we each have a role in this cycle.

Specificlly, we help facilitate eWaste management ideas between donators, volunteers, businesses, and ideas.

We have staff ready, willing to help create a solution to your eWaste issues.

(If your question isn't answered below)

  • Free Geek Bellingham/Sponsors - People who help pay the expenses
  • Free Geek Bellingham/Partnerships - People who help us do what we do
    • (Possible and tenative, include contact info when available)
    • (Hopefully, all business we interact with)
    • Who and how they help.
    • How large businesses, help lower the cost to donators.

(E-scrap recovery stream)

Businesses who do it responsibly

  • Metals - ? NW Recycling, Recycle Northwest
  • Plastics - ? Total Reclaim in Seattle
  • Circuit boards - ? Hallmark Refining Corp. in Mt. Vernon
  • CPUs - ? Hallmark Refining Corp. in Mt. Vernon
  • Monitors & TVs - ? Total Reclaim
  • Misc. electronics - ? Total Reclaim
  • Wood/building materials - ? RE-Store (moving in 18 months, Merdian?)
  • Other Electronic equipment - ? RE-Electronics
  • Other/undefined:
    • (Wa State law by 2009, take it back policy)
    • Take-it-back Program, Seattle, WA
    • RE-Computers, Seattle, WA
    • safety clean ?
    • Private company, computers fix-up info (Bellingham other areas)
    • Rise-X, mt vernon
    • Dell/HP return-it/exchange program

  • Free Geek Bellingham/Thrift Store - Place you can purchase used-inexpensive technology.
    • (? non-profit / low-profit, 2nd Hand stores / distribution centers)
    • ? RE-Store
    • ? Salvation Army
    • ? Valu-village
    • ? Thriftway
    • ? Light House Mission
    • ? Mac Renewal

Other services

Educational Surplus programs
  • 4-year: WWU
  • 2-year : BTC, BCC
  • K-12 : Public School District
  • ? Other

Behind the scenes work:

Basic background and template resources


Online resources, some adapted for Bellingham use.
