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This is the page for the Staff Collective's Human Resources Committee

HR Links

Policies (adopted and in progress)

Procedures and timelines



Collective Members

The Staff Collective currently has 11 members:

  1. Dave Haskins -- Production Coordinator
  2. Kathie Hitchcock -- Reception Coordinator
  3. Liane Kocka -- Computers For Kids Coordinator
  4. Martin Chase -- Build Coordinator
  5. Michael Westwind -- Technical Support Coordinator
  6. Nathan Bennet -- ?? Coordinator
  7. Oso Martin -- Outreach Coordinator
  8. Rick Konold -- Sales Coordinator
  9. Richard Seymour -- Administrative Coordinator
  10. Shawn Furst -- Volunteer Program Coordinator
  11. Steve Stafford -- Sales Co-Coordinator

Staff Interns

There are currently 3 interns:

  1. Sophia Luchini-Dexter -- Front Desk Intern
  2. Jeff Robinson -- Laptop Intern
  3. Katrina Light -- Receiving Intern


We're trying to look ahead at the big picture for staffing Free Geek. Our aim is to decrease the roller coaster effect.

One unofficial goal for Free Geek might be to increase the number of interns as compared to staff collective members. This opens up more opportunities for young people and others with job experience issues to build up job resumes. It also gives us staffing flexibility since internships are shorter term by definition and makes it more likely we can absorb an intern's duties back into the staff collective in case of financial shortfalls, avoiding other types of cutbacks and layoffs. This goal could be met by hiring new positions as interns (when we expand staff as we can afford it), or by converting existing staff positions to internships (as staff collective members leave). Of course, this can only be done where appropriate. We do not want to require or expect an intern to do collective level work.

Possible Staff Positions

Over the years, people have proposed various jobs that we could -- if we were rich -- hire for, either into the collective or as interns. Here are some of those ideas:

Office Coordinator
Oversees paperwork, bookkeeping, and reception duties.
Systems Admin
Liaison with ASS, monitor and maintain systems and software, manage technical emergencies.
Receiving Job Experiance Intern
Keep receiving flowing and make sure that volunteers both learn and help.
Testing Intern
Keep basic and advanced testing flowing and make sure that volunteers both learn and help.
Nonprofit Assistance Program Coordinator
This is a successor to the Collaborative Technologies Coordinator collective position. See NAP and Nonprofit Assistance Program Proposal for further information.
Printer Exploratory Intern
Establish procedures for a printer program, streamline processes, and recruit volunteers. Help determine viability and need for a staff position.