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* <s>http://web.freegeek.org/search.html
# [[CVS for coders]] - http://cvs.freegeek.org/
** In [[Community Council]] on Sun Nov  5 17:31:49 2006, 404 Not Found
# [[Calendar]] - http://dates.freegeek.org/month.php|height=860px
* http://web.freegeek.org/howto/deadtrees/endofshiftform.ps
# [[Cdrwtester]] - http://cvs.freegeek.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/fgdiag/bin/cdrwtester
** In [[Beancounting]] on Sun Nov  5 17:31:45 2006, 404 Not Found</s>
# [[Coders]] - http://freegeek.org/php-class/
* https://web.freegeek.org/howto/
# [[Coders]] - http://freegeek.org/python-class/
** In [[Howto Migration]] on Sun Nov  5 17:33:32 2006, 404 Not Found
# [[Coders]] - http://freegeek.org/sql-class/
* <s>http://www.gcfa.org/FinalLCAG.pdf
# [[Compaq Service manuals]] - http://h18000.www1.hp.com/athome/support/msgs/1650/removal.html
** In [[Audit Process]] on Sun Nov  5 17:31:44 2006, 404 Not Found
# [[Configure printer]] - http://localhost:631
* http://web.freegeek.org/howto/deadtrees/endofshiftform.ps
# [[Dead trees]] - http://web.freegeek.org/howto/
** In [[Beancounting]] on Sun Nov  5 17:31:45 2006, 404 Not Found
# [[Dead trees]] - http://web.freegeek.org/howto/deadtrees
* http://freegeek.org/franchise.php
# [[Debian Package Repositories]] - http://llama.freegeek.org/~USERNAME/debian
** In [[Ambassador Basics]] on Sun Nov  5 17:31:46 2006, 404 Not Found
# [[Debian Package Repositories]] - http://llama.freegeek.org/~USERNAME/debian
* http://www.gnucash.org/docs/C/gnucash-guide/types1.html
# [[Distro Meetings]] - http://irc.freenode.net
** In [[Accounting Basics]] on Sun Nov  5 17:31:44 2006, 404 Not Found
# [[Distro/irc20050816]] - https://www.skippy.net/SVN/fgcmh/freebox/freebox
* http://web.freegeek.org/howto/deadtrees/endofshiftform.ps
# [[Distro/irc20050823]] - http://fgoly.org/fileshare/fgoc.tar
** In [[Beancounting]] on Sun Nov  5 17:31:45 2006, 404 Not Found
# [[Distro/irc20050823]] - http://fgoly.org/fileshare/rob/fbsz.diff
* http://www.freegeek.org/howto/consensus/index.html
# [[Distro/irc20050830]] - http://fgoly.org/fileshare/rob/fbo.html
** In [[Background: What does Free Geek want from a Board of Directors?]] on Sun Nov  5 17:31:46 2006, 404 Not Found
# [[Distro]] - http://fgoly.org/fbo/
* http://cvs.freegeek.org/
# [[Education Coordinator]] - http://freegeek.org/howto
** In [[CVS for coders]] on Sun Nov  5 17:31:48 2006, Socket Error: (-2, 'Name or service not known')</s>
# [[Email Lists]] - http://web.freegeek.org/grants.php
* http://dates.freegeek.org/month.php|height=860px
# [[Email address use]] - http://local.google.com/webmasters/remove.html#exclude_pages
** In [[Calendar]] on Sun Nov  5 17:31:48 2006, 404 Not Found
# [[FGsched]] - http://cvs.freegeek.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/fgsched/#dirlist
* http://cvs.freegeek.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/fgdiag/bin/cdrwtester
# [[FGsched]] - http://cvs.freegeek.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/fgsched/doc/HACKING?rev=HEAD
** In [[Cdrwtester]] on Sun Nov  5 17:31:48 2006, Socket Error: (-2, 'Name or service not known')
# [[Financial Optimization Meeting]] - http://web.freegeek.org/howto/consensus/impacteffort.html
* http://web.freegeek.org/search.html
# [[Free Geek Bellingham/About]] - http://en.wikipedia.com/Bellingham,_Washington
** In [[Community Council]] on Sun Nov  5 17:31:49 2006, 404 Not Found
# [[Free Geek Bellingham/About]] - http://gneijsel.xs4all.nl/mailgein/PC%20recycling.htm
* http://localhost:631
# [[Free Geek Bellingham/Contact Us]] - http://bellingham.freegeek.org
** In [[Configure printer]] on Sun Nov  5 17:31:50 2006, Socket Error: (111, 'Connection refused')
# [[Free Geek Bellingham/Grants]] - http://www.omidyar.net/group/cfp/poll/3/
* http://sane-project.org
# [[Free Geek Bellingham/Non-Profit Status/Template]] - http://www.delawarenonprofit.org/StartUp.htm
** In [[Configure scanner]] on Sun Nov  5 17:31:50 2006, Socket Error: (111, 'Connection refused')
# [[Free Geek Bellingham/Re-lectronics]] - http://re-lectronics.org
* http://freegeek.org/sql-class/
# [[Free Geek Bellingham/Recalled Items]] - https://www.dellbatteryprogram.com/batterymodels.aspx|Dell
** In [[Coders]] on Sun Nov  5 17:31:51 2006, 404 Not Found
# [[Free Geek Bellingham/Road Trip]] - http://freegeektacoma.org/docs
* http://freegeek.org/php-class/
# [[Free Geek Bellingham/Specs]] - http://cvs.freegeek.org/staffsched/
** In [[Coders]] on Sun Nov  5 17:31:51 2006, 404 Not Found
# [[Free Geek Bellingham/Specs]] - http://cvs.freegeek.org/volman/
* http://freegeek.org/python-class/
# [[Free Geek Bellingham/Specs]] - http://web.freegeek.org/howto/receiving
** In [[Coders]] on Sun Nov  5 17:31:51 2006, 404 Not Found
# [[Free Geek Startups]] - http://www.greenbriarcollective.org/cc.htm
* http://h18000.www1.hp.com/athome/support/msgs/1650/removal.html
# [[Free Geek Washington/Data Security/Process]] - http://dban.sourceforge.net/|Darik's
** In [[Compaq Service manuals]] on Sun Nov  5 17:31:53 2006, 404 Object Not Found
# [[Free Greek/Media contacts]] - http://media.barometer.orst.edu/pages/front_page/images/Contact.htm
* http://llama.freegeek.org/~USERNAME/debian
# [[Free Greek/Media contacts]] - http://media.barometer.orst.edu/pages/front_page/images/Contact.htm
** In [[Debian Package Repositories]] on Sun Nov  5 17:32:47 2006, 404 Not Found
# [[Free Greek/Media contacts]] - http://osuosl.org/news_folder/gov_announce
* http://llama.freegeek.org/~USERNAME/debian
# [[Free Greek/Media contacts]] - http://osuosl.org/news_folder/gov_announce
** In [[Debian Package Repositories]] on Sun Nov  5 17:32:47 2006, 404 Not Found
# [[Free Greek/Media contacts]] - http://www.commnewspapers.com
* http://web.freegeek.org/howto/
# [[Free Greek/Media contacts]] - http://www.commnewspapers.com
** In [[Dead trees]] on Sun Nov  5 17:32:47 2006, 404 Not Found
# [[Free Greek/Media contacts]] - http://www.katu.com/amnw/index.asp
* http://web.freegeek.org/howto/deadtrees
# [[Free Greek/Media contacts]] - http://www.katu.com/amnw/index.asp
** In [[Dead trees]] on Sun Nov  5 17:32:47 2006, 404 Not Found
# [[FreekBox Adoption Class]] - https://web.freegeek.org/howto/education/adoption.html
* http://fgoly.org/fbo/
# [[Freekbox support policy]] - http://lists.freegeek.org/freekbox
** In [[Distro]] on Sun Nov  5 17:32:48 2006, 404 Not Found
# [[Geek Fair Bands]] - http://www.panicnow.net/~monkeyplus1/movies/sprockettes02.mov
* http://fgoly.org/fileshare/rob/fbsz.diff
# [[Howto]] - https://web.freegeek.org/howto/
** In [[Distro/irc20050823]] on Sun Nov  5 17:32:48 2006, 404 Not Found
# [[Howto]] - https://web.freegeek.org/howto/
* http://fgoly.org/fileshare/fgoc.tar
# [[Howto]] - https://web.freegeek.org/howto/
** In [[Distro/irc20050823]] on Sun Nov  5 17:32:48 2006, 404 Not Found
# [[Howto]] - https://web.freegeek.org/howto/
* http://fgoly.org/fileshare/rob/fbo.html
# [[Improve Tours]] - http://web.freegeek.org/howto/tours/
** In [[Distro/irc20050830]] on Sun Nov  5 17:32:50 2006, 404 Not Found
# [[Instagrants Policy]] - http://lists.freegeek.org/pipermail/grants/2004-December/002329.html
* https://www.skippy.net/SVN/fgcmh/freebox/freebox
# [[Install Mplayer]] - http://www.princessleia.com/MPlayer.html
** In [[Distro/irc20050816]] on Sun Nov  5 17:32:50 2006, 404 Not Found
# [[Installer CD]] - http://debian-np.alioth.debian.org/freekbox3_20050711.iso
* http://web.freegeek.org/grants.php
# [[Laptop Hard Drive Removal]] - http://www.apricorn.com/support/harddrive_install.php
** In [[Email Lists]] on Sun Nov  5 17:32:53 2006, 404 Not Found
# [[Laptop Links]] - http://www.aqstech.com/Laptop
* http://freegeek.org/howto
# [[Laptop Memory]] - http://www.laptopparts.com/laptop-memory/memory.asp?cidx=278052066-1X26X2005Y12Z30Z55YAM
** In [[Education Coordinator]] on Sun Nov  5 17:32:53 2006, 404 Not Found
# [[Legislation]] - http://www.columbian.com/news/localNews/01052006news94231.cfm
* http://cvs.freegeek.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/fgsched/#dirlist
# [[Library]] - http://opendb.i-am-vegan.net/
** In [[FGsched]] on Sun Nov  5 17:32:56 2006, Socket Error: (-2, 'Name or service not known')
# [[Llama setup for FGdb]] - http://llama.freegeek.org/phpclass/YOURUSERNAME/fgdb/trunk/php/
* http://cvs.freegeek.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/fgsched/doc/HACKING?rev=HEAD
# [[Media Coverage]] - http://infoweb.newsbank.com
** In [[FGsched]] on Sun Nov  5 17:32:56 2006, Socket Error: (-2, 'Name or service not known')
# [[Mt. Hood Cable Regulatory Commission]] - http://comfreyconsulting.com/
=== Fin ===
# [[New Bylaws Project]] - http://www.doj.state.or.us/ChariGroup/Howtolaw.htm
* http://web.freegeek.org/howto/consensus/impacteffort.html
# [[OS X86 Links]] - http://www.win2osx.net/forum/
** In [[Financial Optimization Meeting]] on Sun Nov  5 17:32:56 2006, 404 Not Found
# [[Organizations]] - http://cityrepair.org/about.html
* http://irc.freenode.net
# [[Organizations]] - http://www.svpportland.org/AboutUs
** In [[Distro Meetings]] on Sun Nov  5 17:32:52 2006, 404 Not Found
# [[Orienting New Staff Members]] - http://web.freegeek.org/search.html
* http://local.google.com/webmasters/remove.html#exclude_pages
# [[Overseas Lessdisks]] - http://sempai:3128
** In [[Email address use]] on Sun Nov  5 17:32:53 2006, 404 Not Found
# [[Posting PSAs]] - http://groups.yahoo.com/CNRG
* http://bellingham.freegeek.org
# [[Posting PSAs]] - http://groups.yahoo.com/cityrepair
** In [[Free Geek Bellingham/Contact Us]] on Sun Nov  5 17:32:59 2006, Socket Error: (-2, 'Name or service not known')
# [[Posting PSAs]] - http://www.aboutcitysearch.com/submit_event.html
* http://en.wikipedia.com/Bellingham,_Washington
# [[Posting PSAs]] - http://www.kboo.fm/calendar/event.php
** In [[Free Geek Bellingham/About]] on Sun Nov  5 17:32:58 2006, 404 Not Found
# [[Posting PSAs]] - http://www.newdream.org/cnad/user/user_post_event.php
* http://www.omidyar.net/group/cfp/poll/3/
# [[Prebuild]] - http://web.freegeek.org/howto/sorting/index.html
** In [[Free Geek Bellingham/Grants]] on Sun Nov  5 17:33:02 2006, 403 Forbidden
# [[Prebuild]] - http://web.freegeek.org/howto/testing/index.html
* http://re-lectronics.org
# [[Proposed Bylaws Snapshot 2005-08-10]] - http://www.oregonlawyer.com/ors/Statute_Details.cfm?Statute=65.387
** In [[Free Geek Bellingham/Re-lectronics]] on Sun Nov  5 17:33:06 2006, Socket Error: (-2, 'Name or service not known')
# [[RT]] - http://web.freegeek.org/howto
* http://www.delawarenonprofit.org/StartUp.htm
# [[Receiving Power Cords]] - http://www.accesscomms.com.au/iec320.htm
** In [[Free Geek Bellingham/Non-Profit Status/Template]] on Sun Nov  5 17:33:06 2006, 404 Not Found
# [[Recording Daily Transactions in Gnucash]] - http://web.freegeek.org/howto/deadtrees/endofshiftform.ps
* http://cvs.freegeek.org/volman/
# [[Selling Tech Support Tickets]] - http://freegeek.org/howto/deadtrees/support-ticket-tally.ps
** In [[Free Geek Bellingham/Specs]] on Sun Nov  5 17:33:06 2006, Socket Error: (-2, 'Name or service not known')
# [[Server Build]] - http://www.tux.org/˜mayer/linux/bmark.html
* http://cvs.freegeek.org/staffsched/
# [[Server Sound]] - http://home.earthlink.net/~davidrclark/linux_audio_users/user_bewares.txt
** In [[Free Geek Bellingham/Specs]] on Sun Nov  5 17:33:06 2006, Socket Error: (-2, 'Name or service not known')
# [[Setting up an RT queue and an Mailman list to work together]] - http://localhost/rt/
* http://web.freegeek.org/howto/receiving
# [[Setting up an RT queue and an Mailman list to work together]] - http://localhost/rt/
** In [[Free Geek Bellingham/Specs]] on Sun Nov  5 17:33:06 2006, 404 Not Found
# [[Silent Auction Coordinator]] - https://web.freegeek.org/howto/events/donationscript.html
* http://freegeektacoma.org/docs
# [[Software Overview]] - http://postfix.org
** In [[Free Geek Bellingham/Road Trip]] on Sun Nov  5 17:33:07 2006, 404 Not Found
# [[Software Tools]] - http://newdos.yginfo.net/msdos71/
* https://www.dellbatteryprogram.com/batterymodels.aspx|Dell
# [[Software Tools]] - http://www.lostboxen.net/laptopfloppies
** In [[Free Geek Bellingham/Recalled Items]] on Sun Nov  5 17:33:09 2006, 404 Not Found
# [[Software Tools]] - http://wwwnew.mandriva.com/en/enterprise/products/corporate_server
* http://www.greenbriarcollective.org/cc.htm
# [[Staff Orientation Howto]] - http://web.freegeeks.org/staffsched
** In [[Free Geek Startups]] on Sun Nov  5 17:33:12 2006, 404 Not Found
# [[Staff Orientation Howto]] - https://web.freegeek.org/howto/consensus/index.html
* http://dban.sourceforge.net/|Darik's
# [[Staff Orientation Howto]] - https://web.freegeek.org/howto/consensus/scribe.html
** In [[Free Geek Washington/Data Security/Process]] on Sun Nov  5 17:33:15 2006, 404 Not Found
# [[Tabling]] - http://web.freegeek.org/deadtrees/sources/brochureback.sxd
* http://www.katu.com/amnw/index.asp
# [[Tabling]] - http://web.freegeek.org/deadtrees/sources/brochurefront.sxd
** In [[Free Greek/Media contacts]] on Sun Nov  5 17:33:19 2006, 404 Not Found
# [[The Gimp]] - http://docs.gimp.org/en/ch07s05s06.html
* https://web.freegeek.org/howto/education/adoption.html
# [[The Gimp]] - http://docs.gimp.org/en/ch10s06s07.html
** In [[FreekBox Adoption Class]] on Sun Nov  5 17:33:21 2006, 404 Not Found
# [[Volunteer Recruitment]] - http://volunteerhere.org
* http://lists.freegeek.org/freekbox
# [[Where Is Everything Notes]] - http://www.unix.org/single_unix_specification/onlinepubs/000095399/basedefs/xbd_chap10.html
** In [[Freekbox support policy]] on Sun Nov  5 17:33:22 2006, 404 Not Found
# [[Www-mediawiki-client]] - http://vim.org
* http://www.commnewspapers.com
# [[Www-mediawiki-client]] - http://www.wikipedia.org|Wikipedia
** In [[Free Greek/Media contacts]] on Sun Nov  5 17:33:22 2006, Socket Error: (113, 'No route to host')
# [[Www-mediawiki-client]] - http://www.wikitravel.org|Wikitravel
* http://media.barometer.orst.edu/pages/front_page/images/Contact.htm
** In [[Free Greek/Media contacts]] on Sun Nov  5 17:33:24 2006, 404 Not Found
* http://osuosl.org/news_folder/gov_announce
** In [[Free Greek/Media contacts]] on Sun Nov  5 17:33:26 2006, 404 Not Found
* http://www.panicnow.net/~monkeyplus1/movies/sprockettes02.mov
** In [[Geek Fair Bands]] on Sun Nov  5 17:33:32 2006, 404 Not Found
* https://web.freegeek.org/howto/
** In [[Howto Migration]] on Sun Nov  5 17:33:32 2006, 404 Not Found
* https://web.freegeek.org/howto/
** In [[Howto Migration]] on Sun Nov  5 17:33:32 2006, 404 Not Found
* http://web.freegeek.org/howto/tours/
** In [[Improve Tours]] on Sun Nov  5 17:33:32 2006, 404 Not Found
* http://lists.freegeek.org/pipermail/grants/2004-December/002329.html
** In [[Instagrants Policy]] on Sun Nov  5 17:33:33 2006, 404 Not Found
* http://www.princessleia.com/MPlayer.html
** In [[Install Mplayer]] on Sun Nov  5 17:33:38 2006, 404 Not Found
* http://www.apricorn.com/support/harddrive_install.php
** In [[Laptop Hard Drive Removal]] on Sun Nov  5 17:33:39 2006, 404 Not Found
* http://www.aqstech.com/Laptop
** In [[Laptop Links]] on Sun Nov  5 17:33:40 2006, 404 Not Found
* http://debian-np.alioth.debian.org/freekbox3_20050711.iso
** In [[Installer CD]] on Sun Nov  5 17:33:36 2006, 403 Forbidden
=== Lap ===
* http://www.laptopparts.com/laptop-memory/memory.asp?cidx=278052066-1X26X2005Y12Z30Z55YAM
** In [[Laptop Memory]] on Sun Nov  5 17:33:45 2006, 404 Not Found
* http://opendb.i-am-vegan.net/
** In [[Library]] on Sun Nov  5 17:33:48 2006, Socket Error: (-2, 'Name or service not known')
* http://llama.freegeek.org/phpclass/YOURUSERNAME/fgdb/trunk/php/
** In [[Llama setup for FGdb]] on Sun Nov  5 17:33:45 2006, 404 Not Found
* http://www.columbian.com/news/localNews/01052006news94231.cfm
** In [[Legislation]] on Sun Nov  5 17:33:45 2006, 404 Not Found
* http://www.katu.com/amnw/index.asp
** In [[Free Greek/Media contacts]] on Sun Nov  5 17:33:19 2006, 404 Not Found
* http://infoweb.newsbank.com
** In [[Media Coverage]] on Sun Nov  5 17:33:53 2006, 401 Authentication Required
* http://www.commnewspapers.com
** In [[Free Greek/Media contacts]] on Sun Nov  5 17:33:22 2006, Socket Error: (113, 'No route to host')
* http://osuosl.org/news_folder/gov_announce
** In [[Free Greek/Media contacts]] on Sun Nov  5 17:33:26 2006, 404 Not Found
* http://media.barometer.orst.edu/pages/front_page/images/Contact.htm
** In [[Free Greek/Media contacts]] on Sun Nov  5 17:33:24 2006, 404 Not Found
* http://comfreyconsulting.com/
** In [[Mt. Hood Cable Regulatory Commission]] on Sun Nov  5 17:33:59 2006, Socket Error: (-2, 'Name or service not known')
* http://www.doj.state.or.us/ChariGroup/Howtolaw.htm
** In [[New Bylaws Project]] on Sun Nov  5 17:34:00 2006, 404 Not Found
* http://web.freegeek.org/search.html
** In [[Community Council]] on Sun Nov  5 17:31:49 2006, 404 Not Found
* http://sempai:3128
** In [[Overseas Lessdisks]] on Sun Nov  5 17:34:02 2006, 400 Bad Request
* http://www.svpportland.org/AboutUs
** In [[Organizations]] on Sun Nov  5 17:34:03 2006, 404 Not Found
* http://cityrepair.org/about.html
** In [[Organizations]] on Sun Nov  5 17:34:04 2006, 404 Not Found
* http://web.freegeek.org/howto/sorting/index.html
** In [[Prebuild]] on Sun Nov  5 17:34:06 2006, 404 Not Found
* http://web.freegeek.org/howto/testing/index.html
** In [[Prebuild]] on Sun Nov  5 17:34:06 2006, 404 Not Found
* http://groups.yahoo.com/CNRG
** In [[Posting PSAs]] on Sun Nov  5 17:34:06 2006, 404 Not Found
* http://groups.yahoo.com/cityrepair
** In [[Posting PSAs]] on Sun Nov  5 17:34:06 2006, 404 Not Found
* http://web.freegeek.org/howto
** In [[RT]] on Sun Nov  5 17:34:07 2006, 404 Not Found
* http://www.aboutcitysearch.com/submit_event.html
** In [[Posting PSAs]] on Sun Nov  5 17:34:08 2006, 404 Not Found
* http://www.oregonlawyer.com/ors/Statute_Details.cfm?Statute=65.387
** In [[Proposed Bylaws Snapshot 2005-08-10]] on Sun Nov  5 17:34:08 2006, 404 Not Found
* http://web.freegeek.org/howto/deadtrees/endofshiftform.ps
** In [[Beancounting]] on Sun Nov  5 17:31:45 2006, 404 Not Found
* http://www.newdream.org/cnad/user/user_post_event.php
** In [[Posting PSAs]] on Sun Nov  5 17:34:09 2006, 400 Bad Request
* http://www.accesscomms.com.au/iec320.htm
** In [[Receiving Power Cords]] on Sun Nov  5 17:34:12 2006, 404 Not Found
* http://www.kboo.fm/calendar/event.php
** In [[Posting PSAs]] on Sun Nov  5 17:34:12 2006, 404 Not Found
* http://www.tux.org/˜mayer/linux/bmark.html
** In [[Server Build]] on Sun Nov  5 17:34:22 2006, Non-ASCII Characters in URL: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u02dc' in position 6: ordinal not in range(128)
* http://home.earthlink.net/~davidrclark/linux_audio_users/user_bewares.txt
** In [[Server Sound]] on Sun Nov  5 17:34:24 2006, HTTP Error:
* http://localhost/rt/
** In [[Setting up an RT queue and an Mailman list to work together]] on Sun Nov  5 17:34:22 2006, 404 Not Found
* http://localhost/rt/
** In [[Setting up an RT queue and an Mailman list to work together]] on Sun Nov  5 17:34:22 2006, 404 Not Found
=== Sil ===
* https://web.freegeek.org/howto/events/donationscript.html
** In [[Silent Auction Coordinator]] on Sun Nov  5 17:34:22 2006, 404 Not Found
* http://postfix.org
** In [[Software Overview]] on Sun Nov  5 17:34:23 2006, Socket Error: (-2, 'Name or service not known')
* http://freegeek.org/howto/deadtrees/support-ticket-tally.ps
** In [[Selling Tech Support Tickets]] on Sun Nov  5 17:34:24 2006, 404 Not Found
* http://newdos.yginfo.net/msdos71/
** In [[Software Tools]] on Sun Nov  5 17:34:25 2006, Socket Error: (-2, 'Name or service not known')
* http://www.lostboxen.net/laptopfloppies
** In [[Software Tools]] on Sun Nov  5 17:34:27 2006, 404 Not Found
* http://wwwnew.mandriva.com/en/enterprise/products/corporate_server
** In [[Software Tools]] on Sun Nov  5 17:34:27 2006, 404 Not Found
* http://web.freegeeks.org/staffsched
** In [[Staff Orientation Howto]] on Sun Nov  5 17:34:33 2006, Socket Error: (-2, 'Name or service not known')
* http://web.freegeek.org/deadtrees/sources/brochureback.sxd
** In [[Tabling]] on Sun Nov  5 17:34:33 2006, 404 Not Found
* http://web.freegeek.org/deadtrees/sources/brochurefront.sxd
** In [[Tabling]] on Sun Nov  5 17:34:33 2006, 404 Not Found
* https://web.freegeek.org/howto/consensus/index.html
** In [[Staff Orientation Howto]] on Sun Nov  5 17:34:34 2006, 404 Not Found
* https://web.freegeek.org/howto/
** In [[Howto Migration]] on Sun Nov  5 17:33:32 2006, 404 Not Found
* https://web.freegeek.org/howto/consensus/scribe.html
** In [[Staff Orientation Howto]] on Sun Nov  5 17:34:34 2006, 404 Not Found
* http://docs.gimp.org/en/ch07s05s06.html
** In [[The Gimp]] on Sun Nov  5 17:34:40 2006, 404 Not Found
* http://docs.gimp.org/en/ch10s06s07.html
** In [[The Gimp]] on Sun Nov  5 17:34:42 2006, 404 Not Found
* http://www.win2osx.net/forum/
** In [[OS X86 Links]] on Sun Nov  5 17:34:39 2006, Socket Error: (-3, 'Temporary failure in name resolution')
* http://vim.org
** In [[Www-mediawiki-client]] on Sun Nov  5 17:34:51 2006, Socket Error: (-2, 'Name or service not known')
* http://www.wikitravel.org|Wikitravel
** In [[Www-mediawiki-client]] on Sun Nov  5 17:34:52 2006, Socket Error: (-2, 'Name or service not known')
* http://www.unix.org/single_unix_specification/onlinepubs/000095399/basedefs/xbd_chap10.html
** In [[Where Is Everything Notes]] on Sun Nov  5 17:34:52 2006, 404 Not Found
* http://www.wikipedia.org|Wikipedia
** In [[Www-mediawiki-client]] on Sun Nov  5 17:34:52 2006, Socket Error: (-2, 'Name or service not known')
* http://gulmer.org.ve
** In [[Resurrecting Computers with Free Software]] on Sun Nov  5 17:34:48 2006, Socket Error: (-3, 'Temporary failure in name resolution')

Revision as of 19:23, 6 November 2006

  1. CVS for coders - http://cvs.freegeek.org/
  2. Calendar - http://dates.freegeek.org/month.php%7Cheight=860px
  3. Cdrwtester - http://cvs.freegeek.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/fgdiag/bin/cdrwtester
  4. Coders - http://freegeek.org/php-class/
  5. Coders - http://freegeek.org/python-class/
  6. Coders - http://freegeek.org/sql-class/
  7. Compaq Service manuals - http://h18000.www1.hp.com/athome/support/msgs/1650/removal.html
  8. Configure printer - http://localhost:631
  9. Dead trees - http://web.freegeek.org/howto/
  10. Dead trees - http://web.freegeek.org/howto/deadtrees
  11. Debian Package Repositories - http://llama.freegeek.org/~USERNAME/debian
  12. Debian Package Repositories - http://llama.freegeek.org/~USERNAME/debian
  13. Distro Meetings - http://irc.freenode.net
  14. Distro/irc20050816 - https://www.skippy.net/SVN/fgcmh/freebox/freebox
  15. Distro/irc20050823 - http://fgoly.org/fileshare/fgoc.tar
  16. Distro/irc20050823 - http://fgoly.org/fileshare/rob/fbsz.diff
  17. Distro/irc20050830 - http://fgoly.org/fileshare/rob/fbo.html
  18. Distro - http://fgoly.org/fbo/
  19. Education Coordinator - http://freegeek.org/howto
  20. Email Lists - http://web.freegeek.org/grants.php
  21. Email address use - http://local.google.com/webmasters/remove.html#exclude_pages
  22. FGsched - http://cvs.freegeek.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/fgsched/#dirlist
  23. FGsched - http://cvs.freegeek.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/fgsched/doc/HACKING?rev=HEAD
  24. Financial Optimization Meeting - http://web.freegeek.org/howto/consensus/impacteffort.html
  25. Free Geek Bellingham/About - http://en.wikipedia.com/Bellingham,_Washington
  26. Free Geek Bellingham/About - http://gneijsel.xs4all.nl/mailgein/PC%20recycling.htm
  27. Free Geek Bellingham/Contact Us - http://bellingham.freegeek.org
  28. Free Geek Bellingham/Grants - http://www.omidyar.net/group/cfp/poll/3/
  29. Free Geek Bellingham/Non-Profit Status/Template - http://www.delawarenonprofit.org/StartUp.htm
  30. Free Geek Bellingham/Re-lectronics - http://re-lectronics.org
  31. Free Geek Bellingham/Recalled Items - https://www.dellbatteryprogram.com/batterymodels.aspx%7CDell
  32. Free Geek Bellingham/Road Trip - http://freegeektacoma.org/docs
  33. Free Geek Bellingham/Specs - http://cvs.freegeek.org/staffsched/
  34. Free Geek Bellingham/Specs - http://cvs.freegeek.org/volman/
  35. Free Geek Bellingham/Specs - http://web.freegeek.org/howto/receiving
  36. Free Geek Startups - http://www.greenbriarcollective.org/cc.htm
  37. Free Geek Washington/Data Security/Process - http://dban.sourceforge.net/%7CDarik's
  38. Free Greek/Media contacts - http://media.barometer.orst.edu/pages/front_page/images/Contact.htm
  39. Free Greek/Media contacts - http://media.barometer.orst.edu/pages/front_page/images/Contact.htm
  40. Free Greek/Media contacts - http://osuosl.org/news_folder/gov_announce
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  42. Free Greek/Media contacts - http://www.commnewspapers.com
  43. Free Greek/Media contacts - http://www.commnewspapers.com
  44. Free Greek/Media contacts - http://www.katu.com/amnw/index.asp
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  46. FreekBox Adoption Class - https://web.freegeek.org/howto/education/adoption.html
  47. Freekbox support policy - http://lists.freegeek.org/freekbox
  48. Geek Fair Bands - http://www.panicnow.net/~monkeyplus1/movies/sprockettes02.mov
  49. Howto - https://web.freegeek.org/howto/
  50. Howto - https://web.freegeek.org/howto/
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  52. Howto - https://web.freegeek.org/howto/
  53. Improve Tours - http://web.freegeek.org/howto/tours/
  54. Instagrants Policy - http://lists.freegeek.org/pipermail/grants/2004-December/002329.html
  55. Install Mplayer - http://www.princessleia.com/MPlayer.html
  56. Installer CD - http://debian-np.alioth.debian.org/freekbox3_20050711.iso
  57. Laptop Hard Drive Removal - http://www.apricorn.com/support/harddrive_install.php
  58. Laptop Links - http://www.aqstech.com/Laptop
  59. Laptop Memory - http://www.laptopparts.com/laptop-memory/memory.asp?cidx=278052066-1X26X2005Y12Z30Z55YAM
  60. Legislation - http://www.columbian.com/news/localNews/01052006news94231.cfm
  61. Library - http://opendb.i-am-vegan.net/
  62. Llama setup for FGdb - http://llama.freegeek.org/phpclass/YOURUSERNAME/fgdb/trunk/php/
  63. Media Coverage - http://infoweb.newsbank.com
  64. Mt. Hood Cable Regulatory Commission - http://comfreyconsulting.com/
  65. New Bylaws Project - http://www.doj.state.or.us/ChariGroup/Howtolaw.htm
  66. OS X86 Links - http://www.win2osx.net/forum/
  67. Organizations - http://cityrepair.org/about.html
  68. Organizations - http://www.svpportland.org/AboutUs
  69. Orienting New Staff Members - http://web.freegeek.org/search.html
  70. Overseas Lessdisks - http://sempai:3128
  71. Posting PSAs - http://groups.yahoo.com/CNRG
  72. Posting PSAs - http://groups.yahoo.com/cityrepair
  73. Posting PSAs - http://www.aboutcitysearch.com/submit_event.html
  74. Posting PSAs - http://www.kboo.fm/calendar/event.php
  75. Posting PSAs - http://www.newdream.org/cnad/user/user_post_event.php
  76. Prebuild - http://web.freegeek.org/howto/sorting/index.html
  77. Prebuild - http://web.freegeek.org/howto/testing/index.html
  78. Proposed Bylaws Snapshot 2005-08-10 - http://www.oregonlawyer.com/ors/Statute_Details.cfm?Statute=65.387
  79. RT - http://web.freegeek.org/howto
  80. Receiving Power Cords - http://www.accesscomms.com.au/iec320.htm
  81. Recording Daily Transactions in Gnucash - http://web.freegeek.org/howto/deadtrees/endofshiftform.ps
  82. Selling Tech Support Tickets - http://freegeek.org/howto/deadtrees/support-ticket-tally.ps
  83. Server Build - http://www.tux.org/˜mayer/linux/bmark.html
  84. Server Sound - http://home.earthlink.net/~davidrclark/linux_audio_users/user_bewares.txt
  85. Setting up an RT queue and an Mailman list to work together - http://localhost/rt/
  86. Setting up an RT queue and an Mailman list to work together - http://localhost/rt/
  87. Silent Auction Coordinator - https://web.freegeek.org/howto/events/donationscript.html
  88. Software Overview - http://postfix.org
  89. Software Tools - http://newdos.yginfo.net/msdos71/
  90. Software Tools - http://www.lostboxen.net/laptopfloppies
  91. Software Tools - http://wwwnew.mandriva.com/en/enterprise/products/corporate_server
  92. Staff Orientation Howto - http://web.freegeeks.org/staffsched
  93. Staff Orientation Howto - https://web.freegeek.org/howto/consensus/index.html
  94. Staff Orientation Howto - https://web.freegeek.org/howto/consensus/scribe.html
  95. Tabling - http://web.freegeek.org/deadtrees/sources/brochureback.sxd
  96. Tabling - http://web.freegeek.org/deadtrees/sources/brochurefront.sxd
  97. The Gimp - http://docs.gimp.org/en/ch07s05s06.html
  98. The Gimp - http://docs.gimp.org/en/ch10s06s07.html
  99. Volunteer Recruitment - http://volunteerhere.org
  100. Where Is Everything Notes - http://www.unix.org/single_unix_specification/onlinepubs/000095399/basedefs/xbd_chap10.html
  101. Www-mediawiki-client - http://vim.org
  102. Www-mediawiki-client - http://www.wikipedia.org%7CWikipedia
  103. Www-mediawiki-client - http://www.wikitravel.org%7CWikitravel